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A Taxonomy and Survey of Cloud Resource Orchestration Techniques

Published: 10 May 2017 Publication History


Cloud services and applications prove indispensable amid today’s modern utility-based computing. The cloud has displayed a disruptive and growing impact on everyday computing tasks. However, facilitating the orchestration of cloud resources to build such cloud services and applications is yet to unleash its entire magnitude of power. Accordingly, it is paramount to devise a unified and comprehensive analysis framework to accelerate fundamental understanding of cloud resource orchestration in terms of concepts, paradigms, languages, models, and tools. This framework is essential to empower effective research, comprehension, comparison, and selection of cloud resource orchestration models, languages, platforms, and tools. This article provides such a comprehensive framework while analyzing the relevant state of the art in cloud resource orchestration from a novel and holistic viewpoint.

Supplementary Material

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Soon Ae Chun

Cloud services provide computing resources (for example, infrastructure, platform, and software) as services. Utilizing these cloud resources requires a complex life cycle process that involves select, describe, configure, deploy, and manage steps. Cloud services are classified by these resource management techniques, called cloud resource orchestration. The cloud resource orchestration techniques are analyzed using five dimensions: 1) resource dimensions to analyze resource representation, entity modeling, and access techniques; 2) orchestration capabilities that define different resource life cycle actions and automation strategies; 3) user types that analyze who manages cloud resources; 4) runtime environment that distinguishes different cloud services in the virtualization or execution models; and 5) knowledge reuse that distinguishes cloud services depending on whether or not resource description templates, snapshots, or community-based knowledge sharing are available. Based on these five dimensions, a taxonomy of cloud resource orchestration techniques is developed, and it is applied to distinguish 11 cloud services from each other. The proposed taxonomy that focuses on resource orchestration techniques is useful to understand the differences and commonalities of various cloud services. However, it is not clear whether it could help end users (for example, organizations) to decide which cloud services to choose for their needs. In order for the taxonomy to be more actionable, the end users should be able to pick and choose from these dimension values to create an individualized cloud service. In addition, the end users need a substantial amount of support for the resource management and monitoring capabilities and for the policy specification. These end-user control capabilities seem to be missing in the taxonomy. Also, major cloud services such as Azure and IBM Bluemix are not included in the analysis. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 50, Issue 2
March 2018
567 pages
  • Editor:
  • Sartaj Sahni
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 10 May 2017
Accepted: 01 January 2017
Revised: 01 December 2016
Received: 01 August 2016
Published in CSUR Volume 50, Issue 2


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  1. Cloud computing
  2. Service oriented architectures
  3. resource orchestration


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