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10.1145/3041021.3054186acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesthewebconfConference Proceedingsconference-collections

ERA: A Framework for Economic Resource Allocation for the Cloud

Published: 03 April 2017 Publication History


Cloud computing has reached significant maturity from a systems perspective, but currently deployed solutions rely on rather basic economics mechanisms that yield suboptimal allocation of the costly hardware resources. In this paper we present Economic Resource Allocation (ERA), a complete framework for scheduling and pricing cloud resources, aimed at increasing the efficiency of cloud resources usage by allocating resources according to economic principles. The ERA architecture carefully abstracts the underlying cloud infrastructure, enabling the development of scheduling and pricing algorithms independently of the concrete lower-level cloud infrastructure and independently of its concerns. Specifically, ERA is designed as a flexible layer that can sit on top of any cloud system and interfaces with both the cloud resource manager and with the users who reserve resources to run their jobs. The jobs are scheduled based on prices that are dynamically calculated according to the predicted demand. Additionally, ERA provides a key internal API to pluggable algorithmic modules that include scheduling, pricing and demand prediction. We provide a proof-of-concept software and demonstrate the effectiveness of the architecture by testing ERA over both public and private cloud systems -- Azure Batch of Microsoft and Hadoop/YARN. A broader intent of our work is to foster collaborations between economics and system communities. To that end, we have developed a simulation platform via which economics and system experts can test their algorithmic implementations.


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WWW '17 Companion: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion
April 2017
1738 pages


  • IW3C2: International World Wide Web Conference Committee



International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee

Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

Publication History

Published: 03 April 2017


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  1. cloud computing
  2. dynamic pricing
  3. economics
  4. reservations


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  • (2024)Research on the Optimization of Enterprise Resource Economic Benefits and Management Costs in Cloud Computing EnvironmentApplied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences10.2478/amns-2024-29139:1Online publication date: 9-Oct-2024
  • (2024)Game-Theoretic Resource Allocation and Dynamic Pricing Mechanism in Fog ComputingIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.338433412(51704-51718)Online publication date: 2024
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