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View all- Garg ADegiovanni RPapadakis MTraon Y(2024)On the Coupling between Vulnerabilities and LLM-Generated Mutants: A Study on Vul4J Dataset2024 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)10.1109/ICST60714.2024.00035(305-316)Online publication date: 27-May-2024
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- Moradi Moghadam MBagherzadeh MKhatchadourian RBagheri HChandra SBlincoe KTonella P(2023)𝜇Akka: Mutation Testing for Actor Concurrency in Akka using Real-World BugsProceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering10.1145/3611643.3616362(262-274)Online publication date: 30-Nov-2023
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