C++ for OpenCL Workshop, IWOCL 2016
From CUDA to OpenCL: Towards a performance-portable solution for multi-platform GPU programming
In this work, we evaluate OpenCL as a programming tool for developing performance-portable applications for GPGPU. While the Khronos group developed OpenCL with programming portability in mind, performance is not necessarily portable. OpenCL has ...
Mapping C++ AMP to OpenCL / HSA
IWOCL '15: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on OpenCLHigh-level programming languages and domain-specific languages can often benefit from the increased power efficiency of heterogeneous computing. OpenCL can serve as a compiler target for portable code generation and runtime management. By using OpenCL ...
OpenCL C++
GPGPU-6: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on General Purpose Processor Using Graphics Processing UnitsWith the success of programming models such as Khronos' OpenCL, heterogeneous computing is going mainstream. However, these models are low-level, even when considering them as systems programming models. For example, OpenCL is effectively an extended ...
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- The University of Bristol: The University of Bristol
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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