Multi-Affine Misalignment Removal from Bracketed Images for HDR Photography
Pages 61 - 64
A novel procedure able to align bracketed images acquired with a handheld camera is illustrated and discussed. The method is based on a system of linear equations solved via least squares, which provides the transformation parameters of Low Dynamic Range images acquired for High Dynamic Range photography. The method uses features automatically matched in multiple images and a mathematical formulation based on affine transformations simultaneously estimated for the whole dataset. This provides a new set of images with pixel-to-pixel correspondence along with statistics to evaluate the quality of image alignment.
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- Multi-Affine Misalignment Removal from Bracketed Images for HDR Photography
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Published In
June 2016
130 pages
- Conference Chair:
- George Papagiannakis,
- Program Chairs:
- Daniel Thalmann,
- Panos Trahanias
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- FORTH: Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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Published: 28 June 2016
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