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Exana: an execution-driven application analysis tool for assisting productive performance tuning
As modern memory subsystems have become complex, performance tuning of application code targeting for their deeper memory hierarchy is critical to rewarding their potential performance. However, it has been depending on time-consuming and empirical ...
Profiling for detecting performance anomalies in concurrent software
Understanding and identifying performance problems is difficult for parallel applications, but is an essential part of software development for parallel systems. In addition to the same problems that exist when analysing sequential programs, software ...
Annotatable systrace: an extended Linux ftrace for tracing a parallelized program
- Daichi Fukui,
- Mamoru Shimaoka,
- Hiroki Mikami,
- Dominic Hillenbrand,
- Hideo Yamamoto,
- Keiji Kimura,
- Hironori Kasahara
Investigation of the runtime behavior is one of the most important processes for performance tuning on a computer system. Profiling tools have been widely used to detect hot- spots in a program. In addition to them, tracing tools produce valuable ...
Interleaving generation for data race and deadlock reproduction
Concurrency errors, like data races and deadlocks, are difficult to find due to the large number of possible interleavings in a parallel program. Dynamic tools analyze a single observed execution of a program, and even with multiple executions they can ...
An empirical study on parallelism in modern open-source projects
Writing parallel programs is hard, especially for inexperienced programmers. Parallel language features are still being added on a regular basis to most modern object-oriented languages and this trend is likely to continue. Being able to support ...
ATL-MR: model transformation on MapReduce
The Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) paradigm has been successfully embraced for manufacturing maintainable software in several domains while decreasing costs and efforts. One of its principal concepts is rule-based Model Transformation (MT) that enables ...
Investigating potential performance benefits of memory layout optimization based on roofline model
Performance tuning on a single CPU is still an essential base for massively parallelized applications in the upcoming exascale era to achieve its potential performance against their peak. In this paper, we investigate room for performance improvement ...
Empirical performance study of speculative parallel processing on commercial multi-core CPU with hardware transactional memory
To achieve performance improvement by using multi-core processor, efficient utilization of thread-level parallelism is essential. However, conventional parallel processing cannot efficiently utilize potential parallelism within program code, since ...
Lighthouse: a taxonomy-based solver selection tool
Linear algebra provides the building blocks for a wide variety of scientific and engineering simulation codes. Users face a world of continuously developing new algorithms and high-performance implementations of these fundamental calculations. In this ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel Systems