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View all- Staskauskas M(1993)Formal Derivation of Concurrent ProgramsIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering10.1109/32.23201519:5(503-528)Online publication date: 1-May-1993
We present a framework for the formal verification of abstract state machine (ASM) designs using the multiway decision graphs (MDG) tool. ASM is a state based language for describing transition systems. MDG provides symbolic representation of transition ...
Model checking is a powerful formal analytical approach to verifying software and hardware systems. However, general industrial adoption is far from widespread. Some difficulties include the inaccessibility of techniques and tools and the need for ...
The past decade has seen tremendous progress in the application of formal methods for hardware design and verification. While a number of different techniques based on BDDs, symbolic simulation, special-purpose decision procedures, model checking, and ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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