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10.1145/2745802.2745808acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageseaseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A cross-platform analysis of bugs and bug-fixing in open source projects: desktop vs. Android vs. iOS

Published: 27 April 2015 Publication History


As smartphones continue to increase in popularity, understanding how software processes associated with the smartphone platform differ from the traditional desktop platform is critical for improving user experience and facilitating software development and maintenance. In this paper we focus specifically on differences in bugs and bug-fixing processes between desktop and smartphone software. Our study covers 444,129 bug reports in 88 open source projects on desktop, Android, and iOS. The study has two main thrusts: a quantitative analysis to discover similarities and differences between desktop and smartphone bug reports/processes; and a qualitative analysis where we extract topics from bug reports to understand bugs' nature, categories, and differences between platforms. Our findings include: during 2011--2013, iOS bugs were fixed three times faster compared to Android and desktop; top smartphone bug fixers are more involved in reporting bugs than top desktop bug fixers; and most frequent high-severity bugs are due to build issues on desktop, concurrency on Android, and application logic on iOS. Our study, findings, and recommendations are potentially useful to smartphone researchers and practitioners.


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EASE '15: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
April 2015
305 pages
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  • NJU: Nanjing University


Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 27 April 2015


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Overall Acceptance Rate 71 of 232 submissions, 31%


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