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10.1145/2745844.2745859acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmetricsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Computable Bounds in Fork-Join Queueing Systems

Published: 15 June 2015 Publication History


In a Fork-Join (FJ) queueing system an upstream fork station splits incoming jobs into N tasks to be further processed by N parallel servers, each with its own queue; the response time of one job is determined, at a downstream join station, by the maximum of the corresponding tasks' response times. This queueing system is useful to the modelling of multi-service systems subject to synchronization constraints, such as MapReduce clusters or multipath routing. Despite their apparent simplicity, FJ systems are hard to analyze.
This paper provides the first computable stochastic bounds on the waiting and response time distributions in FJ systems. We consider four practical scenarios by combining 1a) renewal and 1b) non-renewal arrivals, and 2a) non-blocking and 2b) blocking servers. In the case of non blocking servers we prove that delays scale as O(logN), a law which is known for first moments under renewal input only. In the case of blocking servers, we prove that the same factor of log N dictates the stability region of the system. Simulation results indicate that our bounds are tight, especially at high utilizations, in all four scenarios. A remarkable insight gained from our results is that, at moderate to high utilizations, multipath routing 'makes sense' from a queueing perspective for two paths only, i.e., response times drop the most when N = 2; the technical explanation is that the resequencing (delay) price starts to quickly dominate the tempting gain due to multipath transmissions.


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SIGMETRICS '15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
June 2015
488 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 15 June 2015


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  1. fork-join queue
  2. mapreduce
  3. multipath
  4. parallel systems
  5. performance evaluation


  • Research-article

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  • DFG



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SIGMETRICS '15 Paper Acceptance Rate 32 of 239 submissions, 13%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 459 of 2,691 submissions, 17%


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