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10.1145/2610384.2610409acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesisstaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Cross-platform feature matching for web applications

Published: 21 July 2014 Publication History


With the emergence of new computing platforms, software written for traditional platforms is being re-targeted to reach the users on these new platforms. In particular, due to the proliferation of mobile computing devices, it is common practice for companies to build mobile-specific versions of their existing web applications to provide mobile users with a better experience. Because the differences between desktop and mobile versions of a web application are not only cosmetic, but can also include substantial rewrites of key components, it is not uncommon for these different versions to provide different sets of features. Whereas some of these differences are intentional, such as the addition of location-based features on mobile devices, others are not and can negatively affect the user experience, as confirmed by numerous user reports and complaints. Unfortunately, checking and maintaining the consistency of different versions of an application by hand is not only time consuming, but also error prone. To address this problem, and help developers in this difficult task, we propose an automated technique for matching features across different versions of a multi-platform web application. We implemented our technique in a tool, called FMAP, and used it to perform a preliminary empirical evaluation on nine real-world multi-platform web applications. The results of our evaluation are promising, as FMAP was able to correctly identify missing features between desktop and mobile versions of the web applications considered, as confirmed by our analysis of user reports and software fixes for these applications.


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ISSTA 2014: Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
July 2014
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 21 July 2014


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