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Analyzing growing plants from 4D point cloud data

Published: 01 November 2013 Publication History


Studying growth and development of plants is of central importance in botany. Current quantitative are either limited to tedious and sparse manual measurements, or coarse image-based 2D measurements. Availability of cheap and portable 3D acquisition devices has the potential to automate this process and easily provide scientists with volumes of accurate data, at a scale much beyond the realms of existing methods. However, during their development, plants grow new parts (e.g., vegetative buds) and bifurcate to different components --- violating the central incompressibility assumption made by existing acquisition algorithms, which makes these algorithms unsuited for analyzing growth. We introduce a framework to study plant growth, particularly focusing on accurate localization and tracking topological events like budding and bifurcation. This is achieved by a novel forward-backward analysis, wherein we track robustly detected plant components back in time to ensure correct spatio-temporal event detection using a locally adapting threshold. We evaluate our approach on several groups of time lapse scans, often ranging from days to weeks, on a diverse set of plant species and use the results to animate static virtual plants or directly attach them to physical simulators.

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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 32, Issue 6
November 2013
671 pages
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Published: 01 November 2013
Published in TOG Volume 32, Issue 6


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  1. 4D point cloud
  2. event detection
  3. growth analysis


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