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Proofs as programs

Published: 02 January 1985 Publication History


The significant intellectual cost of programming is for problem solving and explaining, not for coding. Yet programming systems offer mechanical assistance for the coding process exclusively. We illustrate the use of an implemented program development system, called PRL ("pearl"), that provides automated assistance with the difficult part. The problem and its explained solution are seen as formal objects in a constructive logic of the data domains. These formal explanations can be executed at various stages of completion. The most incomplete explanations resemble applicative programs, the most complete are formal proofs.


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Ali Mili

Bates and Constable discuss the use of constructive proofs as a paradigm for programming. They introduce an implemented program development system, called PRL, that is based on this paradigm. The use of PRL is illustrated on a programming problem, that of finding a consecutive subsequence of maximum sum in a finite sequence of integers. The basic thesis of the paper, constructive proofs as programs, is quite appealing, and the authors present it in a lively—perhaps opinionated—manner. Also, this reviewer finds the discussions in Section 2 on mathematical problemsolving and its relevance to programming to be interesting and thought provoking. Finally, system PRL does appear to be useful, though this reviewer does not know enough about other systems to confirm the claims made for this one. The reader might be annoyed by the expediency with which some controversial statements are made. An example of such is the statement that “comments, written in pidgin English, attached to the code. . .are not the way to explain a program.” Another example is the statement that a program carries “no trace” of the “intellectual effort that went into producing it." Without expressing opinions on them, this reviewer merely suggests that these are controversial statements that need to be made with some care. On balance, this paper (and its extensions, as seen in the bibliographic references) is very useful to anybody doing research on program construction. It is also quite readable.

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Published In

cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 7, Issue 1
Jan. 1985
181 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 02 January 1985
Published in TOPLAS Volume 7, Issue 1


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