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TROLL: a language for object-oriented specification of information systems

Published: 01 April 1996 Publication History


TROLL is a language particularly suited for the early stages of information system development, when the universe of discourse must be described. In TROLL the descriptions of the static and dynamic aspects of entities are integrated into object descriptions. Sublanguages for data terms, for first-order and temporal assertions, and for processes, are used to describe respectively the static properties, the behavior, and the evolution over time of objects. TROLL organizes system design through object-orientation and the support of abstractions such as classification, specialization, roles, and aggregation. Language features for state interactions and dependencies among components support the composition of the system from smaller modules, as does the facility of defining interfaces on top of object descriptions.


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ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 14, Issue 2
April 1996
127 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 April 1996
Published in TOIS Volume 14, Issue 2


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