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View all- Kross SGuo P(2021)Orienting, Framing, Bridging, Magic, and Counseling: How Data Scientists Navigate the Outer Loop of Client Collaborations in Industry and AcademiaProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/34760525:CSCW2(1-28)Online publication date: 18-Oct-2021
- Mani SNagar SMukherjee DNarayanam RSinha VNanavati AZimmermann TDi Penta MKim S(2013)Bug resolution catalysts: identifying essential non-committers from bug repositoriesProceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories10.5555/2487085.2487124(193-202)Online publication date: 18-May-2013
- Mani SNagar SMukherjee DNarayanam RSinha VNanavati A(2013)Bug resolution catalysts: Identifying essential non-committers from bug repositories2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)10.1109/MSR.2013.6624027(193-202)Online publication date: May-2013
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