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10.1145/1629335.1629348acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesesweekConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Modal interfaces: unifying interface automata and modal specifications

Published: 12 October 2009 Publication History


This paper presents a unification of interface automata and modal specifications, two radically dissimilar models for interface theories. Interface automata is a game-based model, which allows to make assumptions on the environment and propose an optimistic view for composition : two components can be composed if there is an environment where they can work together. Modal specification is a language theoretic account of a fragment of the modal mu-calculus logic that is more complete but which does not allow to distinguish between the environment and the component. Partial unifications of these two frameworks have been explored recently. A first attempt by Larsen et al. considers modal interfaces, an extension of modal specifications that deals with compatibility issues in the composition operator. However, this composition operator is incorrect. A second attempt by Raclet et al. gives a different perspective, and emphasises on conjunction and residuation of modal specifications, including when interfaces have dissimilar alphabets, but disregards interface compatibility. The present paper contributes a thorougher unification of the two theories by correcting the modal interface composition operator presented in the paper by Larsen et al., drawing a complete picture of the modal interface algebra, and pushing even further the comparison between interface automata, modal automata and modal interfaces.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    EMSOFT '09: Proceedings of the seventh ACM international conference on Embedded software
    October 2009
    332 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 12 October 2009


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    Author Tags

    1. compatibility
    2. interface automata
    3. modal specifications


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    ESWeek '09
    ESWeek '09: Fifth Embedded Systems Week
    October 12 - 16, 2009
    Grenoble, France

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    Overall Acceptance Rate 60 of 203 submissions, 30%


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