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View all- Chua CStorey V(2016)Dealing with Dangerous DataJournal of Database Management10.4018/JDM.201601010227:1(29-57)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016
We present efficient algorithms for multi-precision and multi-accuracy calculation of error functions and the Dawson integral, all with complex arguments. These algorithms achieve exceptional accuracies, ranging from 26 significant digits (SD) up ...
One way to combine the powers of symbolic computing with numeric computing is to automaticaly derive and produce numeric code. This approach has important applications in science and engineering. Once the desired formulas and procedures are derived in a ...
This paper describes the design of a programming language suitable for writing portable, machine independent programs. Based on Fortran, and implemented at the lowest level by means of subprograms, this language (PFortran) provides features which allow ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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