Cited By
View all- CHEN HGOLDBERG MMAGDON-ISMAIL MWALLACE W(2011)REVERSE ENGINEERING A SOCIAL AGENT-BASED HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL — ViSAGEInternational Journal of Neural Systems10.1142/S012906570800175018:06(491-526)Online publication date: 21-Nov-2011
Using a two-wave panel in Hong Kong, this study examines how different uses of mobile social media contribute to individuals' social capital and psychological well-being. Findings showed that communicative use and self-disclosure on mobile social media ...
Bonding social capital affects interpersonal and group attachment to SNSs.Bridging social capital highly influences interpersonal and group attachment.Group attachment is significantly influenced by interpersonal attachment to SNSs.Group attachment has ...
Examines the effects of social capital on SNS use (qualitative and quantitative use).Found that bridging capital significantly impacts qualitative SNS use.Verified the mediating role of subjective well-being between bonding capital and quantitative SNS ...
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