Combining data-state and ctt diagrams in modeling sonification applications
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- Combining data-state and ctt diagrams in modeling sonification applications
Aesthetic strategies in sonification
Sound can be listened to in various ways and with different intentions. Multiple factors influence how and what we perceive when listening to sound. Sonification, the acoustic representation of data, is in essence just sound. It functions as ...
Evaluation of psychoacoustic sound parameters for sonification
ICMI '17: Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal InteractionSonification designers have little theory or experimental evidence to guide the design of data-to-sound mappings. Many mappings use acoustic representations of data values which do not correspond with the listener's perception of how that data value ...
Diagram definition: a case study with the UML class diagram
MODELS'11: Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Model driven engineering languages and systemsThe abstract syntax of a graphical modeling language is typically defined with a metamodel while its concrete syntax (diagram) is informally defined with text and figures. Recently, the Object Management Group (OMG) released a beta specification, called ...
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Association for Computing Machinery
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