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10.1145/1242572.1242592acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesthewebconfConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Detecting near-duplicates for web crawling

Published: 08 May 2007 Publication History


Near-duplicate web documents are abundant. Two such documents differ from each other in a very small portion that displays advertisements, for example. Such differences are irrelevant for web search. So the quality of a web crawler increases if it can assess whether a newly crawled web page is a near-duplicate of a previously crawled web page or not. In the course of developing a near-duplicate detection system for a multi-billion page repository, we make two research contributions. First, we demonstrate that Charikar's fingerprinting technique is appropriate for this goal. Second, we present an algorithmic technique for identifying existing f-bit fingerprints that differ from a given fingerprint in at most k bit-positions, for small k. Our technique is useful for both online queries (single fingerprints) and all batch queries (multiple fingerprints). Experimental evaluation over real data confirms the practicality of our design.


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WWW '07: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web
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Published: 08 May 2007


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  1. fingerprint
  2. hamming distance
  3. near-duplicate
  4. search
  5. similarity
  6. sketch
  7. web crawl
  8. web document


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WWW'07: 16th International World Wide Web Conference
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