Interaction adaptative pour systèmes coopératifs: raisonner sur les discordances
Pages 215 - 218
Task execution support systems have to adapt to any problem occuring during activity in order to provide help as cooperatively as possible. The need for adaptativity is also present in the interactions between the system and users. In this paper we present first elements of a framework contributing to the adaptative capability of systems. The core of this framework is reasoning about and solving conflicting elements of the current situation. This approach can be used seamlessly at any level of adaptation (i.e. cooperation, activity, dialog, interaction...).
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Index Terms
- Interaction adaptative pour systèmes coopératifs: raisonner sur les discordances
Résolution numérique des grands systèmes différentiels linéaires
La solution stricte d'un système différentiel linéaire à coefficients constants [d /d t] = [A] [ ] + [f (t) ] est donnée par: [ (t)]= [eAt] [ (0) ] + f [eA(t )] [f (T) ] d .
Cette relation, utilisée dans une méthode de pas à pas, permet le calcul de [ ( ...
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September 2005
350 pages
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Published: 27 September 2005
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