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Information storage and retrieval: a survey and functional description

Published: 01 September 1977 Publication History


Information Storage and Retrieval (IS&R) encompasses a broad scope of topics ranging from basic techniques for accessing data to sophisticated approaches for the analysis of natural language text and the deduction of information. Within the field, three general areas of investigation can be distinguished not only by their subject matter but also by the types of individuals presently interested in them:(1) Document retrieval,(2) Generalized data management, and(3) Question-answering.A functional description which applies to each of the three areas is presented together with a survey of work being conducted. The similarities and differences of the three areas of IS&R are described. Typical systems which incorporate many of the functions and techniques are described in the appendix.


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    ACM SIGIR Forum  Volume 12, Issue 2
    Fall 1977
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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