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LH*RS---a highly-available scalable distributed data structure

Published: 01 September 2005 Publication History


LH*RS is a high-availability scalable distributed data structure (SDDS). An LH*RS file is hash partitioned over the distributed RAM of a multicomputer, for example, a network of PCs, and supports the unavailability of any k ≥ 1 of its server nodes. The value of k transparently grows with the file to offset the reliability decline. Only the number of the storage nodes potentially limits the file growth. The high-availability management uses a novel parity calculus that we have developed, based on Reed-Salomon erasure correcting coding. The resulting parity storage overhead is about the lowest possible. The parity encoding and decoding are faster than for any other candidate coding we are aware of. We present our scheme and its performance analysis, including experiments with a prototype implementation on Wintel PCs. The capabilities of LH*RS offer new perspectives to data intensive applications, including the emerging ones of grids and of P2P computing.

Supplementary Material

Litwin Appendix (p769-litwin-apndx.pdf)
Online appendix to designing mediation for context-aware applications. The appendix supports the information on page 769.


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ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 30, Issue 3
September 2005
226 pages
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Published: 01 September 2005
Published in TODS Volume 30, Issue 3


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  1. P2P
  2. Scalable distributed data structure
  3. grid computing
  4. high-availability
  5. linear hashing
  6. physical database design


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