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A preliminary survey of artificial intelligence machines

Published: 01 July 1980 Publication History


This paper is first attempt at a survey of concrete and abstract machines relevant to AI research, inspired by some recent developments in personal computers. In particular, we consider machines supporting higher-level programming languages used in AI, mainly LISP. The emphasis will be on gaining a global perspective on the emerging field of AI machines rather than on a detailed treatment of specific issues. Thus, readers who are specialists in one of the fields touched (e.g., in parallel and associative machines) will not learn anything new about their particular field (on the contrary, they may contribute additional AI-relevant material to later versions of the survey). However, particularly for AI researchers worrying about the efficiency of their systems, this survey may provide a quick access to this important new research areas. For more specific questions the references in the extensive topic-indexed bibliography should be consulted.


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Shapiro, M.: A SNOBOL machine: a higher-level language processor in a conventional hardware framework. Dig. COMPCON 72, 1972a, 41--44.]]
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  • (1986)Survey on special purpose computer architectures for AIACM SIGART Bulletin10.1145/15715.15718(28-46)Online publication date: 1-Apr-1986
  • (1985)Computer Systems for High-Performance Speech RecognitionNew Systems and Architectures for Automatic Speech Recognition and Synthesis10.1007/978-3-642-82447-0_4(169-190)Online publication date: 1985


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ACM SIGART Bulletin Just Accepted
July 1980
21 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 July 1980
Published in SIGAI , Issue 72

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  • (1986)Survey on special purpose computer architectures for AIACM SIGART Bulletin10.1145/15715.15718(28-46)Online publication date: 1-Apr-1986
  • (1985)Computer Systems for High-Performance Speech RecognitionNew Systems and Architectures for Automatic Speech Recognition and Synthesis10.1007/978-3-642-82447-0_4(169-190)Online publication date: 1985

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