Distributed embedded real-time systems (DRTESs) are classified among objects that are complex in their development and crucial in their use. The problems of Instrumental Support and automation of development of DRTESs are still actual, even after more than 40 years of research. This paper refine the notion of DRTES. The shortcomings of traditional approaches to the design of DRTESs are considered and a model-oriented approach to the design is formulated. A concept of the instrumental environment supporting this approach has been proposed. Basic problems to be addressed when building such an environment are formulated. The current state of the art in solving these problems is described.
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Original Russian Text © A.G. Bakhmurov, R.L. Smelyansky, 2013, published in Programmirovanie, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 5.
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Bakhmurov, A.G., Smelyansky, R.L. Problems of instrumental support for the development of distributed embedded real-time systems. Program Comput Soft 39, 221–232 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0361768813050022
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0361768813050022