Original Research Papers
Soil NO emissions modelling using artificial neural network
The biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in the south boreal, middle boreal and north boreal vegetation zones in Finland were calculated utilizing satellite land cover information and actual meteorological data in a BEIS-type canopy emission model. The sesquiterpene emissions from the boreal forest were estimated for the first time, and the inventory was further complemented by the inclusion of wetland isoprene emissions from open fens. Recently published results from emission measurements carried out in various parts of the boreal region were utilized in the compilation of the standard emission potentials and monoterpene emission spectra for the deciduous and coniferous forest categories and wetlands. The average annual isoprene emission fluxes from forests were 73, 56 and 45, and those of monoterpenes 657, 567 and 342 kg per km2 of forest area in the south boreal, middle boreal and north boreal vegetation zones, respectively. The average annual sesquiterpene fluxes were of the same order of magnitude as isoprene, being 54, 46 and 26 kg per km2 of forest area in the south boreal, middle boreal and north boreal vegetation zones, respectively. The isoprene emissions from wetlands were significant, contributing 3%, 18% and 31% of the annual isoprene emissions in the south boreal, middle boreal and north boreal vegetation zones, respectively. Throughout the boreal region, the main emitted monoterpenes were α-pinene and Δ3-carene, with significant contributions from β-pinene and sabinene in summer and autumn. Due to the new seasonal emission potentials of the coniferous species introduced in this work, the overwhelming role of spruce as the main isoprene and monoterpene emitter in the boreal forest is subdued. The new emission inventory also accentuates the role of the boreal deciduous trees as terpenoid emitters in the late summer months.
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