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Issue 96, 2018

Novel non-peptidic small molecule inhibitors of secreted aspartic protease 2 (SAP2) for the treatment of resistant fungal infections


Targeting secreted aspartic protease 2 (SAP2), a kind of virulence factor, represents a new strategy for antifungal drug discovery. In this report, the first-generation of small molecule SAP2 inhibitors was rationally designed and optimized using a structure-based approach. In particular, inhibitor 23h was highly potent and selective and showed good antifungal potency for the treatment of resistant Candida albicans infections.

Graphical abstract: Novel non-peptidic small molecule inhibitors of secreted aspartic protease 2 (SAP2) for the treatment of resistant fungal infections

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Article information

Article type
01 Oct 2018
08 Nov 2018
First published
08 Nov 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 13535-13538

Novel non-peptidic small molecule inhibitors of secreted aspartic protease 2 (SAP2) for the treatment of resistant fungal infections

G. Dong, Y. Liu, Y. Wu, J. Tu, S. Chen, N. Liu and C. Sheng, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 13535 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC07810F

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