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Issue 3, 2017

Bioactive peptide functionalized aligned cyclodextrin nanofibers for neurite outgrowth


Guidance of neurite extension and establishment of neural connectivity hold great importance for neural tissue regeneration and neural conduit implants. Although bioactive-epitope functionalized synthetic or natural polymeric materials have been proposed for the induction of neural regeneration, chemical modifications of these materials for neural differentiation still remain a challenge due to the harsh conditions of chemical reactions, along with non-homogeneous surface modifications. In this study, a facile noncovalent functionalization method is proposed by exploiting host–guest interactions between an adamantane-conjugated laminin derived bioactive IKVAV epitope and electrospun cyclodextrin nanofibers (CDNFs) to fabricate implantable scaffolds for peripheral nerve regeneration. While electrospun CDNFs introduce a three-dimensional biocompatible microenvironment to promote cellular viability and adhesion, the bioactive epitopes presented on the surface of electrospun CDNFs guide the cellular differentiation of PC-12 cells. In addition to materials synthesis and smart functionalization, physical alignment of the electrospun nanofibers guides the cells for enhanced differentiation. Cells cultured on aligned and IKVAV functionalized electrospun CDNFs had significantly higher expression of neuron-specific βIII-tubulin and synaptophysin. The neurite extension is also higher on the bioactive aligned scaffolds compared to random and non-functionalized electrospun CDNFs. Both chemical and physical cues were utilized for an effective neuronal differentiation process.

Graphical abstract: Bioactive peptide functionalized aligned cyclodextrin nanofibers for neurite outgrowth

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
20 Sep 2016
06 Dec 2016
First published
06 Dec 2016

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017,5, 517-524

Bioactive peptide functionalized aligned cyclodextrin nanofibers for neurite outgrowth

S. Hamsici, G. Cinar, A. Celebioglu, T. Uyar, A. B. Tekinay and M. O. Guler, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017, 5, 517 DOI: 10.1039/C6TB02441F

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