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Issue 5, 2015

Facile synthesis of bacterial cellulose fibres covalently intercalated with graphene oxide by one-step cross-linking for robust supercapacitors


Electrode materials with a three-dimensional network structure and high conductivity are crucial for the development of robust high-performance supercapacitors. We report the development of a facile method for the covalent intercalation of graphene oxide (GO) with bacterial cellulose (BC) fibres via a one-step esterification to construct a three-dimensional cross-linked structural scaffold. The as-prepared composite had a tensile strength of 18.48 MPa and an elongation at breakage of 24%. With an outstanding electrical conductivity of 171 S m−1, the composite electrode demonstrates a good mass-specific capacitance of 160 F g−1 at a current density of 0.4 A g−1. A robust supercapacitor was demonstrated with an outstanding capacitance retention of 90.3% over 2000 recycles. The impressive mechanical and electrochemical properties of this covalently intercalated BC/GO composite may open new avenues in developing cross-linked GO nanocomposites for stretchable electronics.

Graphical abstract: Facile synthesis of bacterial cellulose fibres covalently intercalated with graphene oxide by one-step cross-linking for robust supercapacitors

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
16 Aug 2014
21 Nov 2014
First published
24 Nov 2014

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 1011-1017

Facile synthesis of bacterial cellulose fibres covalently intercalated with graphene oxide by one-step cross-linking for robust supercapacitors

Y. Liu, J. Zhou, E. Zhu, J. Tang, X. Liu and W. Tang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 1011 DOI: 10.1039/C4TC01822B

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