
Over 45,000 people died by suicide in the United States and an estimated 1.2 million people attempted suicide in 20201. Reducing fatal and nonfatal self-harm is a public health priority around the globe. For clinicians, identifying patients at risk using traditional clinical risk factors is hardly better than chance2, and self-report questionnaires have only moderate predictive value3,4. For health systems, delivery of effective prevention programs will require accurate identification of risk at the population level5,6 For public health scientists assessing beneficial or adverse effects of therapies on suicidal behavior addressing confounding requires accurately accounting for pre-existing risk7,8,9.

Several research groups have developed and validated machine learning models to predict risk of suicide attempt and death using health records data. These risk models attempt to predict risk of suicidal behavior over follow-up periods ranging from 7 days to one year, often achieving good overall performance with area under receiving operating curves (AUCs)10,11 exceeding 0.8012,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22.

These models have varied in their complexity, both in terms of the number and types of predictors included and in the modeling techniques used to estimate the models. Some final models had 10–20 predictors12, while others used over 200022. Some groups estimated relatively simple models (e.g., penalized logistic regression), while others used more complex strategies (e.g., artificial neural networks or ensemble approaches).

Recently, complex machine learning models have been criticized as too opaque and not explainable to clinicians and patients23. While “black box” algorithms are one form of complexity, even relatively simple algorithms, such as logistic regression, become complex as the number and type of predictors considered increase. Many have commented on the need for trust and transparency when integrating machine learning risk prediction into clinical care24,25, and explainability may be necessary if practicing clinicians are to trust model-based alerts or recommendations26. Recent work, including case studies reporting on the racial biases that can be perpetuated through the implementation of machine learning methods27, has highlighted the importance of examining model performance across subgroups and provided a framework for doing so28.

In addition to transparency, trust, and explainability, transportability and technical ease of use can be practical barriers to implementing risk models in clinical care. As the number of predictors increases, so does the amount of information a health system must routinely access to employ a risk model in clinical care. More predictors also require more programming, and more complex models demand greater computational resources to update clinical risk scores. Discussion of complexity in clinical risk modeling often presumes a trade-off between prediction accuracy and transportability, explainability, and transparency20,24,29, but this may not be accurate.

Reported comparisons of simpler versus more complex models for prediction of suicidal behavior given a common set of predictors do not consistently show that more complex (and less transparent) methods improve accuracy. While some studies found that more complex models had superior performance, the gains were not always large16,18,19,20,21,22,30. For example, in a large study of 500,000 visits among 125,000 patients, Chen and colleagues18 found that the best performing models were ensemble models that included artificial neural networks and gradient boosting models using 425 predictors; the AUC for the top-performing ensemble model was 0.875, while the AUC for a logistic regression model with a subset of 100 predictors was 0.872. Complex models require more resources to estimate, validate, and implement, and these additional requirements must be weighed along with their practical improvements over simpler models.

In this study, we compare a well-performing previously developed logistic regression model predicting suicidal behavior following an outpatient mental health visit15, which uses relatively simple temporal predictors extracted from clinical data, to newly developed models that used over 1400 predictors including information about the timing, frequency, and rate of diagnoses, prescription fills, utilization, and mental health assessments in the 60 months prior to the visit. We examine if these detailed temporal predictors improve performance over the previously developed model when predictors were used in a random forest, artificial neural network, or a logistic regression (with lasso for variable selection). We evaluate if non-parametric approaches (random forest and artificial neural networks), which are able to model complex interactions and non-linear relationships, using detailed temporal predictors further improve upon logistic regression. Because detailed temporal predictors (e.g., recent versus distal previous suicide attempt) might offer the most advantage when predicting risk in close temporal proximity to the visit in question, we compare performance for models predicting suicidal behavior in the 30 days and 90 days following a visit. We compare performance using a variety of performance metrics and investigate performance across subgroups defined by race, ethnicity, and sex.


Study population

Our sample for estimating and validating suicide attempt (fatal and nonfatal) risk prediction models contained 15,249,031 (59%) mental health specialty visits made by 1,507,684 people and another 10,551,857 general medical visits made by 2,592,332 (84%) people. The sample used for suicide death prediction models contained 13,981,418 (59%) mental health specialty visits made by 1,433,584 people and 9,714,817 (41%) general medical visits made by 2,470,576 people.

Table 1 describes our sample, both training and validation datasets, of mental health specialty visits and general medical visits used to estimate and validate suicide attempt models; Supplementary Table 1 describes the samples used for suicide death prediction models. Mental health specialty and general medical visit samples looked similar except for higher rates of mental health conditions among mental health specialty visits, including depression (73.1% mental health training versus 56.5% general medical, Table 1, training data) and psychotic disorders (7.9% mental health training versus 4.8% general medical, Table 1, training data). The 30- and 90-day suicide attempt rate was 0.27% and 0.65% for mental health specialty visits and 0.15% and 0.33% for general medical visits. The 90-day suicide death rate was 0.023% for mental health specialty visits and 0.014% for general medical visits. Proportions of visits followed by a suicide attempt or death overall, across racial and ethnic subgroups, and by sex are reported in Table 2.

Table 1 Cohort description of training and validation sample for mental health specialty visits and general medical visits used to estimate suicide attempt (fatal and nonfatal) risk prediction model.
Table 2 Percentage of visits followed by a suicide attempt and death in validation sample for mental health specialty visits and general medical visits, overall and across racial and ethnic subgroups and sex.

Overall performance for suicide attempt models

The performance, estimated in the validation sample, of each modeling strategy predicting suicide attempt in the 90 days following an index visit in the mental health specialty and general medical samples are presented in Table 3. (For information on tuning parameter selection, see Supplementary Tables 38). The best performing model for 90-day suicide attempts in the mental health specialty sample was the ensemble model using all three models and detailed temporal predictors (referred to as: full ensemble model) with an AUC of 0.858 (95% confidence interval: 0.856, 0.860). However, the AUCs for all suicide attempt models in this sample were very similar, including the original parsimonious model with fewer, less rich temporal predictors (AUCs ranging from 0.846 to 0.858). Using the 99th percentile as a cutoff yielded a sensitivity of 0.182 (0.178, 0.186) and a PPV of 0.111 (0.109, 0.114) for the full ensemble model compared to a sensitivity of 0.160 (0.156, 0.164) and a PPV of 0.104 (0.102, 0.107) for the original parsimonious model. The F-score showed similar patterns, with the ensemble model having a value of 0.138 (0.135, 0.141), and the original parsimonious model having a value of 0.126 (0.123, 0.130). Plots of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (Fig. 1) show very little variability among models. While there is some variation across models in precision-recall curves (Fig. 2) at lower recall rates (i.e., sensitivity), this portion of the graph represents less than 1% of visits. As seen in the calibration results in Table 4, all models are well-calibrated throughout the risk score distribution, with two exceptions: the original parsimonious model and logistic regression model with detailed temporal predictors both over-estimate the probability of a suicide attempt in the highest risk group. Performance of the 90-day suicide attempt model for general medical visits was slightly lower across all metrics, yet similar patterns as the mental health specialty visits were observed; the full ensemble model had the best performance (AUC: 0.847 [0.842, 0.851]), yet all models performed similarly (AUCs ranging from 0.839 to 0.847, Table 3). Performance of 30-day suicide attempt models was similar to 90-day models for both samples (Table 5); while ensemble models using detailed temporal predictors performed the best (mental health specialty AUC 0.867 [0.864, 0.870]; general medical 0.848 [0.842, 0.854]), the improvement over the original parsimonious model was small (mental health specialty AUC 0.857 [0.853, 0.860]; general medical 0.842 [0.836, 0.849]).

Table 3 Prediction performance in entire validation data for suicide attempt in the 90 days following an outpatient visit; 95% confidence intervals (CIs) constructed using 10,000 bootstrap samples.
Fig. 1: Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for each prediction modeling approach (using optimal tuning parameters, estimated in the validation dataset) in both settings (mental health specialty and general medical) for 30- and 90-day suicide attempt (fatal and nonfatal) models and 90-day suicide death models.
figure 1

Each figure panel represents ROC curves for different samples, outcomes, and follow-up periods. (a): 30-day suicide attempt prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (b): 30-day suicide attempt prediction models, general medical visits; (c): 90-day suicide attempt prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (d): 90-day suicide attempt prediction models, general medical visits; (e): 90-day suicide prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (f): 30-day suicide prediction models, general medical visits. Original parsimonious (yellow long-dashed line); Logistic regression with lasso variable selection (green long-short-dashed line); Random forest (blue short-dashed line); Artificial neural network (orange medium-dashed line); Ensemble = ensemble model using logistic regression, random forests, and artificial neural networks with detailed temporal predictors (solid black line).

Fig. 2: Precision-recall curves for each prediction modeling approach (using optimal tuning parameters, estimated in the validation dataset) in in both settings (mental health specialty and general medical) for 30- and 90-day suicide attempt (fatal and nonfatal) models and 90-day suicide death models.
figure 2

Each figure panel represents precision-recall curves for different samples, outcomes, and follow-up periods. (a): 30-day suicide attempt prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (b): 30-day suicide attempt prediction models, general medical visits; (c): 90-day suicide attempt prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (d): 90-day suicide attempt prediction models, general medical visits; (e): 90-day suicide prediction models, mental health specialty visits, (f): 30-day suicide prediction models, general medical visits. Original parsimonious (yellow long-dashed line); Logistic regression with lasso variable selection (green long-short-dashed line); Random forest (blue short-dashed line); Artificial neural network (orange medium-dashed line); Ensemble = ensemble model using logistic regresssion, random forest, and artificial neural network models with detailed temporal predictors (solid black line).

Table 4 Calibration tables for all models in mental health specialty and general medical samples with percentiles defined on training dataset and applied to validation dataset.
Table 5 Prediction performance in entire validation data for suicide attempt in the 30 days following an outpatient visit; 95% confidence intervals (CIs) constructed using 10,000 bootstrap samples.

Overall performance for suicide death models

Performance of prediction models estimating suicide death within 90 days of a mental health specialty visit was more variable than suicide attempt models (Table 6, AUCs 0.794–0.837 for mental health specialty and 0.794–0.836 for general medical). Larger performance gains were observed for the 90-day suicide death full ensemble model (mental health specialty AUC 0.837 [0.825, 0.849]; general medical 0.836 [0.816, 0.854]) over the original parsimonious model (mental health specialty AUC 0.823 [0.808, 0.837]; general medical 0.816 [0.794, 0.837]) than were seen for the 90-day suicide attempt model. Assessing sensitivity at the 99th percentile in the mental health specialty sample showed that, while the ensemble model made up of logistic regression and an artificial neural network had a larger point estimate (0.139 [0.118, 0.161]) than the full ensemble model (0.136 [0.115, 0.157]), confidence intervals overlapped to a large degree. The full ensemble model was the top performing model in the general medical sample across all performance measures.

Table 6 Prediction performance in entire validation data for suicide death in the 90 days following an outpatient visit; 95% confidence intervals (CIs) constructed using 10,000 bootstrap samples.

Model performance across demographic subgroups

Variability in model performance across race, Hispanic ethnicity, and sex was observed, but most confidence intervals overlapped, with some confidence intervals being very wide (Figs. 3, 4, Supplementary Tables 8–12). Note, because the demographic subgroups we explored are associated with suicidal behavior and benefits of risk stratification are not present when examining performance within subgroups, we expect AUCs within subgroups to be slightly lower on average than in the full population.

Fig. 3: Variation in area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) across racial and ethnic groups for all suicide risk prediction models.
figure 3

Each figure panel represents variation in AUC across racial and ethnic groups for different samples, outcomes, and follow-up periods. (a): 30-day suicide attempt prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (b): 30-day suicide attempt prediction models, general medical visits; (c): 90-day suicide attempt prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (d): 90-day suicide attempt prediction models, general medical visits; (e): 90-day suicide prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (f): 90-day suicide prediction models, general medical visits. AI/AN = American Indian/Alaska Native; AS = Asian; BA/AA = Black/African American; NH/PI = Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander; WH, non-Hisp = white, non-Hispanic; Hisp = Hispanic; UNK = unknown. Original parsimonious (yellow); Logistic regression with lasso variable selection (green); Random forest (blue); Artificial neural network (orange); Ensemble model using logistic regression, random forest, and artificial neural network models with detailed temporal predictors (black). Dots represent AUC in left out validation sample and lines represent upper and lower bounds on 95% confidence intervals based on 10,000 bootstrap samples. Note, due to low number of suicide deaths observed in individuals selecting AI/AN, BA/AA, or NH/PI, confidence intervals for 90-day suicide death were not constructed.

Fig. 4: Variation in area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) across men and women for all suicide risk prediction models.
figure 4

Dots represent AUC in left out validation sample and the lines represent upper and lower bounds on 95% confidence intervals based on 10,000 bootstrap samples. Each figure panel represents variation in AUC across mend and women for different samples, outcomes, and follow-up periods. (a): 30-day suicide attempt prediction models, mental health specialty visits; (b): 30-day suicide attempt prediction models, general medical visits. (c): 90-day suicide attempt prediction models, mental health specialty visits. (d): 90-day suicide attempt prediction models, general medical visits. (e): 90-day suicide prediction models, mental health specialty visits. (f): 30-day suicide prediction models, general medical visits. Original parsimonious (yellow); Logistic regression with lasso variable selection (green); Random forest (blue); Artificial neural network (orange); Ensemble model using logistic regression, random forest, and artificial neural network models with detailed temporal predictors (black).

Comparisons of model performance across race, ethnicity, and sex followed the same pattern as the overall sample for all outcomes and follow-up periods (30-day and 90-day suicide attempt and 90-day suicide death). The full ensemble model with detailed temporal predictors was usually among the top performers, but the best performing models provided small gains over the original parsimonious model. For example, in the mental health specialty sample for 90-day suicide attempt outcomes (Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 8), the full ensemble model had the highest AUC for all racial and ethnic subgroups (full ensemble AUCs ranged from 0.838–0.863) except for the American Indian/Alaska Native subgroups and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. The random forest model had poorer performance in these subgroups (AUC 0.823 [0.800, 0.846] and 0.805 [0.778, 0.831], respectively); thus, the ensemble model with just the artificial neural network and logistic regression had the strongest performance for the Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander subgroup (AUC 0.844 [0.821, 0.866]), and the artificial neural network model alone had the strongest performance for the American Indian/Alaska Native subgroup (AUC 0.844 [0.823, 0.864]). The AUC of the original parsimonious model across known racial and ethnic groups ranged from 0.830 to 0.861, and the differences between the best performing model and the original parsimonious model ranged from 0 to 0.011.

In the mental health specialty sample for 90-day suicide attempt, the full ensemble model with detailed temporal predictors had the highest AUC for women (0.865 [0.862, 0.867], Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 9) and men (0.843 [0.839, 0.847]); this was a modest increase over the original parsimonious models (AUC women: 0.858 [0.855, 0.861] and men: 0.825 [0.821, 0.829]).


In this large sample of outpatient mental health specialty visits across seven health systems, the performance of suicide risk prediction models, both parametric and non-parametric, using approximately 1,500 detailed temporal predictors was similar to previously developed parsimonious risk prediction models relying on less than 100 predictors. While a full ensemble model, averaging predictions from three models using all detailed temporal predictors, often performed best (AUCs of approximately 0.85), the improvement over the much simpler, previously developed logistic regression model was small (improvements in AUC ranging from 0.006 to 0.020; improvements in 99th-percentile PPV ranging from 0.000 to 0.070). This pattern held across subgroups defined by race, ethnicity, and sex, across performance metrics, and across 30- and 90-day follow-up for observing suicidal behavior.

The suicide prediction models estimated and compared in this study were developed at the visit level, which allows the models to identify both which individuals are at risk as well as when individuals are at risk. This analytic approach is in contrast to many previously developed and compared suicide risk prediction models that have relied on one observation per person, often using a case-control sampling approach, and focused on identifying who is at risk at a particular point in time given available data at that time. Most research groups have incorporated temporal information into predictors in a simplistic way, similar to the original parsimonious model examined here. In particular, Bayramli and colleagues’21 work, which centered on random forests and naïve Bayesian classifiers, found that including time since first visit, number of visits since the first visit, and visit rate during their time at the health system was helpful for identifying who is at high risk for suicide (AUC when no temporal variables, 0.808; AUC with temporal variables 0.824). The type of temporal information found to be important by Bayramli and colleagues21 has often been included in suicide risk prediction models; yet no prior work explored the importance of such detailed temporal predictors as in our study.

As discussed in the introduction, Chen and colleagues18 used a visit-based sampling framework similar to ours and estimated a variety of models, including random forests, logistic regression, and neural networks, to predict suicidal behavior after a mental health specialty visit using Swedish health records and national registry data. The top performing ensemble model, using all 425 predictors, provided a 0.006 improvement in AUC over a logistic model using 100 predictors. Chen and colleagues observed slightly better performance (top performing model for 90-day suicide attempt had AUC of 0.882) than observed in our study (AUC 0.858). While our models included more detailed temporal predictors, these predictors were all functions of health care services received, primarily mental health care services. In contrast, predictors used by Chen and colleagues included information on an individual’s education, employment, and known criminal offenses; parental education, employment, and known criminal offenses; and family history of disease. The magnitude of performance improvement between this model, which included social determinants and negative life events, and our model, which did not, was minimal.

Our estimated models included a large number of predictors, primarily related to mental health care utilization, including detailed and complex temporal pattern variables. Substantial effort by subject matter experts was made to curate potential predictors. This curation was likely a key contributor to the strong performance of our prediction models, including the simpler parsimonious model. This approach entails high up-front development costs but has advantages including the potential for greater face validity to clinicians and health system leaders. The relative transparency of a logistic regression can improve trust and clinician understanding of what is, and what is not, used to produce risk predictions. Transparency and trust are important for successful implementation of risk models into clinical care31.

Additional considerations for implementation are the personnel and computational resources required for integrating risk prediction models, with routine updating of predictions, into electronic health record systems. The US Veterans Health Administration has implemented suicide risk prediction models into clinical care and specifically elected to use a simpler model with fewer predictors30. Pragmatically, it is easier to write a program to create 100 predictors than it is one for 1500 predictors. Less memory is required to store logistic regression coefficients compared to complex models like random forests. Finally, basic mathematical functions (e.g., addition, multiplication, exponentiations) are fast to compute; this is important because computationally intensive prediction updates on an entire population could interfere with access to, or slow performance of, the electronic health record system, potentially compromising patient care.

Implementation of risk prediction models should consider their intended uses and the potential harms and benefits of both false positives and false negatives in those contexts. For example, suicide risk prediction models generally have low PPV. Low PPV and the potential for harm from coercive care measures (e.g., involuntary psychiatric holds) preclude reliance on risk prediction models to drive such decisions. Low-risk interventions may be more usefully informed by model-based risk stratification however even when PPV is low. Current implementations alert providers to conduct additional risk assessment32,33, and models that robustly concentrate risk could inform allocation of scarcer resources, e.g., therapists skilled in providing evidence-based treatments34,35,36.

Considering potential harms and benefits across all subgroups is crucial; model performance28 and potential for harm from intervention (e.g., “wellness” checks conducted by police) may vary by subgroup. Although estimated performance of our model did not vary by demographics, confidence intervals for some subgroups were wide. Any implementation should involve conversations with clinicians and health system leaders around these, and other limitations, of risk-modeling and appropriate clinical workflow. When more evidence-based, preventive interventions are available, these models can help target their delivery.

The strengths of our study include a large overall sample size allowing us to use large training datasets for developing prediction models while retaining a large independent validation dataset to estimate performance. The data used for model building and evaluating performance includes several million patients from broad geographic regions. We considered multiple tuning parameter values for each of the modeling strategies and used cross-validation, following recommended procedures to divide folds at the person level to protect against overfitting in our model development process37. We also consider the ability to identify not just who but when individuals are at high risk, inherent in our visit-based predictive modeling strategy, a strength of our work.

Our findings that detailed temporal predictors and more complex modeling strategies offered little improvement over a more parsimonious logistic regression model may be specific to this setting and these data. It is possible that including different predictors, such as information on general medical utilization, negative life events, and financial transactions, would result in meaningful differences between the methods and predictor sets we compared. Additionally, the findings we report here might not apply to different prediction targets or settings, including prediction for individuals not engaged in mental health care. Our results are also limited to the 30- and 90-day windows used for assessing suicide attempts and 90-day window for suicide deaths; it is possible that different performance and/or differences between models would be observed using different follow-up periods.

Information on gender identity and sexual orientation were not available. At the time of data extraction only sex assigned at birth was available in the health systems records data; all health systems are currently expanding collection of patients’ sexual orientation and gender identity, including gender transitions, which could improve model performance overall and among sexual and gender minorities, populations for which suicide prevention research is critical38,39,40.

Outcomes included fatal and nonfatal self-harm, certainly including some instances of self-harm without suicidal intent. Self-harm with and without suicidal intent cannot be distinguished using ICD-10-CM coding of nonfatal events or ICD-10 coding of fatal events.

Our current work compared performance of newly developed risk prediction models to performance of a previously published algorithm (original parsimonious models). We were unable to identify and exclude the visits from the current validation dataset that were used to train the previous (original parsimonious models) models; thus, it is possible that our estimates of performance of the original parsimonious model are slightly optimistic. However, there was little overfitting observed during the development of the original parsimonious models; performance in validation data was nearly identical to that in training data15. We also note that nonfatal suicide attempts were extracted from health records, and suicide deaths were identified from state death records. It is possible these records could misclassify suicide attempts and deaths, although recent work has observed that misclassification rates are low41.

The improvement in performance gained by increasing complexity of the modeling strategy and predictor set was small in this study of building risk prediction models for suicidal behavior using data from electronic health records. This improvement in performance should be considered in relation to the challenges of implementing complex models, relying on hundreds of predictors, in clinical care.


Study setting and population

All outpatient mental health visits made by individuals 11 years and older between January 1, 2009 and September 30, 2017 in 7 health care systems (HealthPartners, Henry Ford Health System, and the Colorado, Hawaii, Northwest, Southern California, and Washington regions of Kaiser Permanente) were included. An outpatient mental health visit was defined as an outpatient visit to a mental health specialty provider or a visit made to a general medical provider with a mental health diagnosis (referred to here as general medical visits). Predictions were made at the visit level, and people could contribute more than one visit to our sample. We use the term index visit to indicate the visits for which predictions are to be made, with predictors observed up to and including the day of the index visit and outcome information gathered after. Responsible institutional review boards for each participating health system approved waivers of consent for use of records data in this research: Henry Ford Health institutional review board ([IRB], #9998, Henry Ford Health System), Kaiser Permanente Colorado IRB (#00002931, Kaiser Permanente Colorado), and Kaiser Permanente Interregional IRB (#799744, Washington, HealthPartners, Hawaii, Northwest, and Southern California regions of Kaiser Permanente).

Construction of detailed temporal predictors

Predictors in four categories were extracted from health records and insurance claims in the 5 years prior to the index visit: (1) demographics; (2) prior mental health diagnoses (based on ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes) and general medical diagnoses captured by the Charlson comorbidity index42; (3) prior mental health-related prescription fills; and (4) prior and current (i.e., on the day of the index visit) responses to the patient health questionnaire (PHQ), including both PHQ-8 total scores measuring depressive symptoms and PHQ item 9 assessing suicidal ideation43,44. Predictors incorporated timing, such as how many times a prior predicting event occurred in a specific time period (e.g., last 3 months or last 5 years), how recently the predicting event occurred, and how long ago the predicting event first occurred. For example, detailed temporal predictors related to depression diagnoses included: number of prior depression diagnoses in the last 5 years, number of months since most recent depression diagnosis, and number of months since first recorded depression diagnosis (within the 5 years prior to the index visit). This scheme produced 41 different temporal patterns for each category of mental health diagnosis and 23 different temporal patterns for each category of mental health medication, which resulted in 1400 detailed temporal predictors (see Specifications for detailed temporal predictors below for full description).

Follow-up and outcomes

We estimated separate models for mental health specialty visits and general medical visits to predict risk of suicide attempt (both fatal and nonfatal) in the subsequent 30 and 90 days and suicide death in the subsequent 90 days; there were too few suicide deaths to estimate risk in the 30 days following a visit. In this study, suicide attempt is defined as a documented diagnosis of self-harm. Suicides were identified using state death certificates with cause of death ICD-10 mortality codes in the ranges X60-X84, Y10-Y34, Y87.0, and Y87.2. Nonfatal suicide attempts were identified using diagnosis codes from electronic health records and insurance claims. Non-fatal suicide attempts on or before September 30, 2015 were identified using ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes E950-E958 (suicide and self-inflicted injury) or E980-E988 (injury of undetermined intent). After September 30, 2015, non-fatal suicide attempts were identified using ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes were used to identify non-fatal suicide attempts. The full list of ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes used to identify non-fatal suicide attempts includes over 1000 (non-adjacent) codes and can be found at: We briefly summarize here. An ICD-10 era attempt was defined as either:(1) the presence of any single code from the following ranges: (a) X71-X83 (external causes of morbidity classified as intentional self-harm), (b) Y21-Y33 (external causes of morbidity of undetermined intent), (c) T36-T65 (poisoning/toxic effects) or T71 (asphyxiation) initial encounter codes with “intentional self-harm” or “undetermined intent” in the official code description, or (d) T14.91 (suicide attempt); or (2) the presence of suicidal ideation code R45.851 accompanied by an initial encounter code for a wound (S/T codes with “wound,” “laceration,” or “traumatic amputation” in the description) or poisoning/toxic effects (T codes with “poisoning” or “toxic” in the description) recorded in the same encounter.

To ensure observation of self-harm diagnoses following the index visit, analyses of suicide attempt models only included index visits for which the individual was enrolled in the health system at the index visit and for 90 days following the visit (unless an event was observed before they disenrolled; no events were excluded). We gathered outcome information through December 31, 2017; no index visit used to estimate or evaluate the suicide attempt models was censored due to study end. Visits used to develop and evaluate suicide death models were not censored for disenrollment because health systems’ research data warehouses include cause of death data from state death certificates for all current and past patients. The timing of when cause of cause of death information began and ceased to be available varied across health system. Henry Ford Health System cause of death data was available starting September 1, 2012 through December 31, 2015, Kaiser Permanente Colorado had cause of death data available from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2017, all other health systems had cause of death data available from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2016. Only visits with cause of death data available during the full follow-up were used to estimate and validate suicide death models.

Training data, validation data, and tuning parameter selection

Mental health specialty and general medical visits were separately divided into independent training and validation datasets at the patient level. All visits from a randomly sampled 30% of patients were assigned to the validation dataset, and all visits from the remaining patients were defined as the training dataset; no patients contributed visits to both training and validation datasets. Division of observations into training and validation datasets was done separately for each sample (mental health specialty or general medical) and outcome (suicide attempt or suicide death).

Prediction model performance at varying combinations of tuning parameter values for each modeling method (described below) was estimated using five-fold cross validation45,46. Within each training dataset, a fold was defined at the person level; that is, all people in a training dataset were randomly divided into 5 folds, or groups, and all visits for an individual were included together in a fold. Due to computational burden, not all combinations of tuning parameters were considered in both samples for both outcomes. Further, additional tuning parameters were added (i.e., we widened the tuning parameter search criteria) as needed to ensure selection of parameters close to an optimum. Final tuning parameters were selected using the best out-of-fold AUC. For each outcome, setting, and modeling method, a final model was estimated on all visits in the training data using the selected tuning parameters.

Random forest models

We constructed random forests of probability trees47,48. Three tuning parameters were considered: minimum node size for considering a split (1000; 10,000; 25,000; 50,000; 100,000; 250,000; 500,000 visits), number of predictors considered at each split (38, 114, 190, 380), and number of trees (10, 100, 500)49. The standard recommendation is to consider the square root of the number of predictors at each split, which equaled 38 for this analysis; we also considered larger numbers of predictors at each split (3, 5, and 10 times as many) to see if this improved performance49,50. Examining too few predictors at each split may limit tree growth if too many predictors are not associated with the outcome or are closely correlated with predictors already used for a split49. See Supplementary Table 2 for in-sample results across parameter settings and Supplementary Table 3 for selection of optimal tuning parameters by out-of-sample results. Random forests were estimated using R package ranger version 0.11.2, R version 3.5.3 (2019–03–11) and RStudio version 1.1.463.

Artificial neural network models

We implemented feed-forward artificial neural networks (i.e., nodes in hidden layers feed information “forward” into other hidden layers, and the “last” hidden layer feeds into the final output layer)51,52,53. We used the logit (sigmoid) activation function and a small L1-penalty on the first hidden layer inputs to avoid overfitting. The number of hidden layers (1 or 2) and the number of nodes per hidden layer (4, 8, or 16) were considered tuning parameters; see Supplementary Table 4 for in-sample results and Supplementary Table 5 for selection of optimal tuning parameters. Artificial neural networks were fit using the CRAN package Keras version 2.2.5 with RStudio version 1.2.5001 and R version 3.6.1. We used a batch size of 212 = 4,096 for the mental health specialty visits and 210 = 1,024 for general medical visits, 100 epochs, and a learning rate of 0.001. Additional software needed to fit the artificial neural networks included Tensorflow version 2.0, Anaconda version 4.3.30, and Python version 3.6.9.

Penalized logistic regression models

We estimated logistic regression models using lasso for variable selection and coefficient shrinkage54. We used a screening process to reduce the number of predictors considered in the final model while still allowing the model to consider a large number of interactions among the predictors. During this screening process we included interactions between several covariates (PHQ item 9 score recorded at index visit, sex, race, and prior suicide attempt) and most other covariates and used a small penalization term to reduce the coefficients to zero. All variables defined by interactions with non-zero coefficient values during this screening process were included along with all predictors to select the tuning parameter (lambda) and estimate the final model (see Supplementary Table 5 for in-sample results and Supplementary Table 7 for out-of-sample results). We used a grid search over 20 lambda values for each combination of outcome and sample. The same software used to implement the artificial neural networks was used to estimate the penalized logistic regression models because of the computational efficiencies and large data capacity available in the Keras package.

Ensemble models

We estimated ensemble models by taking a simple average of predictions from all three models (logistic regression, random forest, and artificial neural networks) as well as averaging predictions from all pairs of models.

Original parsimonious models

Performance of the above models was also compared to previously published suicide attempt and suicide death prediction models developed using outpatient mental health visits made between January 1, 2009 and June 30, 2015 in the same health systems. The sample of visits used here to develop new models includes visits used to develop these existing models. The published prediction models were logistic regression models with variables selected using lasso15. Predictors covered the same four categories as above but incorporated less information about the timing of predictors and fewer possible interactions: Presence/absence of a predicting event (e.g., recorded diagnosis) was measured using four different combinations of time-windows (i.e., at index visit or prior 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years). A total of 325 predictors were considered for these models; details can be found in the online supplement of Simon et al15. Approximately 100 predictors were selected in the suicide attempt models, and approximately 30 predictors were selected in the suicide death models. We applied the published coefficients directly without calibration and refer to these models as the original parsimonious models.

Comparing model performance on the validation sample

Final models were compared on an independent validation dataset using the following performance metrics: AUC, F-score (i.e., harmonic mean of precision and recall), and brier score (which is equivalent to the mean squared error in the binary outcome setting) as well as sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), and positive predictive value (PPV) at different percentile cut points. We calculated 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using the non-parametric bootstrap with 10,000 iterations. Bootstrapping was performed at the visit level to represent the variability in the population of outpatient mental health visits (rather than at the person level to represent the variability in the patient population). We present plots of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and precision-recall curves55 as well as calibration tables. Performance metrics requiring cut-points (e.g., PPV, sensitivity, calibration tables) used cut-points defined in the training data to reflect the real-life situation in which deploying a model in a health care system requires pre-specifying cut-points to categorize high-risk visits.

We also calculated all performance metrics in subgroups defined by race, Hispanic ethnicity, and sex to compare model performance across subgroup categories. Self-reported race was extracted from electronic health records. This patient-reported information is usually collected at an initial primary care visit by clinic staff. Possible race categories included: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or white. Individuals who selected multiple races contributed to estimates of performance for all racial groups identified and individuals with missing race information were included in a group together (unknown race). Individuals could have missing information on race because they had not had a clinic visit in which this information was collected, they were not asked, or they selected to not provide this information. Hispanic ethnicity was also extracted from electronic health records and treated separately from race, except for defining a non-Hispanic white subgroup. The non-Hispanic white subgroup only included visits from individuals who selected their race as white and did not select Hispanic ethnicity. Performance in the Hispanic subgroup included all individuals reporting this ethnicity, regardless of the race they selected. Information on sex was extracted from health systems records and at the time of this data pull, most likely represents sex assigned at birth.

Specifications for detailed temporal predictors

The unit of analysis for this work was an outpatient mental health visit or a general medical visit associated with a mental health diagnosis; we use the term “index visit” throughout to refer to the visit for which the model is being used to estimate suicide attempt risk in the following 30 or 90 days. Predictors are defined using information from the 60 months prior to the index visit. This section describes the detailed temporal predictors, that were overviewed in the main text.

Three different model types were estimated in this work: two non-parametric models (random forest and artificial neural networks) and a parametric model (logistic regression with a lasso shrinkage penalty). There are two key differences between these modeling approaches:

  1. 1.

    Handling of interactions–A strength of random forests and neural networks is their ability to find interactions to improve prediction accuracy, whereas for a logistic regression model all interactions to be considered must be specified prior to estimation.

  2. 2.

    Handling of missing data–In our setting, missing data occurs when the value of a predictor depends on the presence of a health care event, such as the presence of a diagnosis code. For example, possible predictors may be the number of depression diagnoses in the last year or the date of the most recent depression diagnosis; both values would be missing for someone who does not have any prior depression diagnosis. In random forest methodology missing values can be treated completely separately (i.e., a potential data split could be presence or absence of a diagnosis of depression) or be lumped with other observed values (i.e., a potential data split could be those with more than two prior depression diagnoses, with those people who have no prior depression diagnoses being grouped with those who have one prior depression diagnosis). It is not clear whether individuals with no diagnosis should be deemed “closer” to those individuals with the lowest or the highest value on the predictors scale. Thus, for many continuous-valued predictors with the potential for missing data, two predictors were created: one in which missing values were coded just below the lowest end of the scale and another in which missing values were coded slightly higher than the largest value on the scale. In parametrizing the logistic regression model, we addressed this missing data by integrating interactions into the modeling strategy, i.e., we estimated coefficients related to timing and frequency of a predictor only for those with that predicting event. For example, our model estimated a coefficient for those individuals without a depression diagnosis and then estimated a coefficient for the number of prior depression diagnoses only among those individuals with a depression diagnosis.

For these reasons (interactions and missing data), two different predictor sets were created, one for the non-parametric approaches and one for the parametric approach.

Here we outline how data gathered from the electronic health records (EHRs) of individuals was used to construct the predictors included in the analytic dataset for model building. We first provide a brief overview of the data pulled from the EHR. We then the describe analytic predictors created for estimating random forests and artificial neural networks followed by a description of the analytic predictors created for estimating penalized logistic regression models, including information about interactions considered in the screening process.

We first provide a brief summary of the data extracted from EHR for the suicide risk prediction models. Sixty monthly variables were defined for each measured type of diagnosis, health care utilization, and filled prescription (i.e., dispensing). Monthly EHR data were captured differently for diagnoses and utilization than for prescriptions. Thus, Sections A.2 and A.3 have four distinct subsections each. The first subsection is identical in both Sections and describes demographic predictors. The second subsection describes the predictors encompassing diagnoses and utilization information, the third subsection describes predictors based on filled prescriptions, and the fourth subsection describes predictors based on patient health questionnaire (PHQ) responses. Section A.3, which describes the predictor set for the logistic regression models includes a fifth subsection, which describes interactions considered. Not all patients have 60 months of health system enrollment preceding the index visit. Number of months of prior enrollment is recorded as a separate analytic predictor and months of prior enrollment is incorporated in some of predictors described below. Note, diagnoses occurring on the day of the index visit were not included in any predictors calculated using past information. When the phrase “last month” is used, it means the last month excluding diagnoses on the index day.

Analytic variable (i.e., predictor) specifications for random forests and neural networks

Predictors based on demographic information:

  1. A01

    Visit type (mental health [MH], general medicine).

  2. A02

    Age (in years).

  3. A03

    Sex (Male, Female, Unknown).

  4. A04

    Race (Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native, Multiple races, Other race, Unknown, white).

  5. A05

    Indicator variable for Hispanic ethnicity.

  6. A06

    Number of months of prior enrollment.

  7. A07

    Months since first MH-related visit.

  8. A08

    Indicator for if census information was available at time of visit.

  9. A09

    Categorical variable for census information not available, if median household income < $25 K, if median household income ≥ $25 K but < $40 K, or ≥ $40 K.

  10. A10

    Categorical variable for if census information not available, if neighborhood <25% college-educated, neighborhood ≥25% college-educated.

  11. A11

    Type of insurance coverage (individual binary indicators (not necessarily mutually exclusive as individuals can have multiple coverage) for: Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, commercial, private pay (e.g., individual/family coverage), state-subsidized, self-funded, Medicare, high-deductible, other).

  12. A12

    Total Charlson score and each of the Charlson subitems. Missing values set to −1, indicating a person did not have any encounters in which to observe diagnoses during 1–365 days prior to visit.

Variables summarizing 60 months of information on diagnoses and health care utilization.

We use X to denote each diagnosis or utilization type in the descriptions below. We use “X” throughout to be consistent and less repetitive, but it should always read “diagnosis or utilization type X.”

For each of the following 25 categories, the following variables were computed from EHR and insurance claims data:

  • Diagnoses (18 in total): Depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, other psychosis, dementia, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), personality disorder, alcohol use disorder, drug use disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorder, traumatic brain injury, conduct/disruptive disorder, diabetes, asthma, pain diagnosis.

  • Mental health-related utilization (3 types in total): Inpatient encounters with a MH diagnosis, outpatient MH specialty encounters, emergency department encounters with MH diagnosis.

  • Prior injury, (4 types in total): Any suicide attempt, laceration suicide attempt, other violent suicide attempt, any injury/poisoning diagnosis.

For the full list of ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes see:

Variables summarizing total count of days with X in specific time periods:

  1. D01

    Total count of days with X in last 1 month.

  2. D02

    Total count of days with X in last 3 months.

  3. D03

    Total count of days with X in last 12 months.

  4. D04

    Total count of days with X in last 24 months.

  5. D05

    Total count of days with X in last 60 months.

Variables that describe the past “rate” of X:

  1. D06

    Total days with X in last 3 months divided by number of months enrolled in those months.

  2. D07

    Total days with X in last 12 months divided by number of months enrolled in those months.

  3. D08

    Total days with X in last 24 months divided by number of months enrolled in those months.

  4. D09

    Total days with X in the past 60 months divided by number of months enrolled in those months.

Variables capturing information on how recently X occurred:

  1. D10

    Most recent occurrence of X (months prior to visit). Those who do not have X observed (ever), set value for most recent occurrence to −5 months.

  2. D11

    Most recent occurrence of X (months prior to visit). Those who do not have X observed (ever), set value for most recent occurrence to 65 months.

  3. D12

    Most recent month for which X was not observed. Those who do not have X observed (ever), set value for most recent month without X to −5.

  4. D13

    Most recent month for which X was not observed. Those who do not have X observed (ever), set value for most recent month without X to 65.

Variables describing earliest occurrence of X:

  1. D14

    Earliest occurrence of X (months prior to visit). Those who do not have X observed (ever), set value for most recent occurrence to −5 months.

  2. D15

    Earliest occurrence of X (months prior to visit). Those who do not have X observed (ever), set value for most recent occurrence to 65 months.

  3. D16

    Difference between the earliest month and most recent month with occurrence of X. Those with only 1 occurrence set difference to 0. Those who do not have X observed (ever), set difference to −5.

  4. D17

    Difference between the earliest month and most recent month with occurrence of X. Those with only 1 occurrence set difference to 0. Those who do not have X observed (ever), set difference to 65.

Variables describing trend in X over time:

  1. D18

    (# of months with X) × [(difference between the earliest month and most recent month with X] + 1). Those who do not have X observed (ever) or only have one occurrence, set value to 0.

  2. D19

    Maximum # of days with X in any month minus the minimum count of days with X in any month.

  3. D20

    Maximum # of days with X in any month.

  4. D21

    Number of months in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is the entire visit sample’s average monthly days with X. Calculate Y by averaging over all months with at least one X.

  5. D22

    Number of months in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is person’s average monthly days with X as of this visit. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled. If X not observed while enrolled, set to −5.

  6. D23

    Number of months in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is person’s average monthly days with X as of this visit. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit. If X was not observed during that time, set to 65.

  7. D24

    Proportion of months enrolled in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is entire visit sample’s average monthly days with X. Calculate Y by averaging over all months with at least one X.

  8. D25

    Proportion of months enrolled in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is person’s average monthly days with X as of this visit. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit up to the full past 60 months.

  9. D26

    Total days with X in last month minus monthly average for prior 2–12 months. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit. If not enrolled ≥2 months, set to −5.

  10. D27

    Monthly average of days with X in last 2 months minus monthly average over prior 3–12 months. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit. If not enrolled ≥3 months, set to −5.

  11. D28

    Monthly average of days with X in last 3 months minus monthly average over prior 4–12 months. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit. If not enrolled ≥4 months, set to −5.

Variables describing monthly occurrence of X in specific time periods:

  1. D29

    Number of months with X in last 3 months.

  2. D30

    Number of months with X in last 6 months.

  3. D31

    Number of months with X in last 12 months.

  4. D32

    Number of months with X in last 24 months.

  5. D33

    Number of months with X in last 60 months.

Variables describing monthly maxes:

  1. D34

    Most recent month in which the maximum (over all 60 months) number of days with X in a month occurred. Use most recent month in case of ties. If X was never observed, assign −5.

  2. D35

    Most recent month in which the maximum (over all 60 months) number of days with X in a month occurred. Use most recent month in case of ties. If X was never observed, assign 65.

Variables describing minimum monthly count of X specific time periods:

  1. D36

    Minimum monthly count of days with X in last 3 months.

  2. D37

    Minimum monthly count of days with X in last 12 months.

  3. D38

    Minimum monthly count of days with X in last 24 months.

  4. D39

    Minimum monthly count of days with X in last 60 months.

  5. D40

    Most recent month in which the minimum (over all 60 months) number of days with X in a month occurred. Use most recent month in case of ties. If X was never observed, assign 0.

Primary reason for MH-related visits. Only calculated for the 18 aforementioned MH diagnosis categories (i.e., not encounters or self-inflicted injury).

  1. D41

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 1 month, calculated as days with X in last 1 month divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 1 month. If no MH diagnoses in last 1 month, set to −1.

  2. D42

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 3 months, calculated as days with X in last 3 months divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 3 months. If no MH diagnoses in last 3 months, set to −1.

  3. D43

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 12 months, calculated as days with X in last 12 months divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 12 months. If no MH diagnoses in last 12 months, set to −1.

  4. D44

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 24 months, calculated as days with X in last 24 months divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 24 months. If no MH diagnoses in last 24 months, set to −1.

  5. D45

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 60 months, calculated as days with X in last 60 months divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 60 months. If no MH diagnoses in last 60 months, set to −1.

Variables summarizing 60 months of information on prescription medication fills.

In this section, we use “X” throughout to be consistent and less repetitive, but it should always read “one or more dispensings of prescription drug type X.”

We excluded medications dispensed on the day of the visits in our data pull as information around timing is not sufficient to evaluate if the medication was dispensed before the visit or prescribed during the visit and picked up after the visit finished. We recognize that the days’ supply variable is not ideal but hopefully still informative in this data set.

For each of the following 8 prescription drug types, each of the following variables were computed: antidepressant, benzodiazepine, hypnotic, second generation antipsychotic, first generation antipsychotic, stimulants, lithium, and anticonvulsants. For the full list of medications used in each category see:

Variables summarizing total number (#) of months with X in specific time periods:

  1. R01

    Binary variable indicating whether X occurred in last 1 month.

  2. R02

    # of months with X in last 3 months.

  3. R03

    # of months with X in last 12 months.

  4. R04

    # of months with X in last 24 months.

  5. R05

    # of months with X in last 60 months.

Variables describing rate of X in specific time periods while enrolled:

  1. R06

    # of months with X in last 3 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 3 months.

  2. R07

    # of months with X in last 12 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 12 months.

  3. R08

    # of months with X in last 24 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 24 months.

  4. R09

    # of months with X in last 60 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 60 months.

Variables describing total days’ supply of X dispensed in specific time periods. Missing days supply will be treated as 0 (i.e., ignored) in all sums.

  1. R10

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 1 month.

  2. R11

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 3 months.

  3. R12

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 12 months.

  4. R13

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 24 months.

  5. R14

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 60 months.

Variables describing “rate” of days’ supply of X in specific time periods while enrolled. Missing days supply will be treated as 0 (i.e., ignored) in all sums.

  1. R15

    Days’ supply of X dispensed in last 3 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 3 months.

  2. R16

    Days’ supply of X dispensed in last 12 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 12 months.

  3. R17

    Days’ supply of X dispensed in last 24 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 24 months.

  4. R18

    Days’ supply of X dispensed sin last 60 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 60 months.

Variables describing timing of X:

  1. R19

    Most recent month with X; for those who do not have X (ever), set value for most recent month with X to −5.

  2. R20

    Most recent month with X; for those who do not have X (ever), set value for most recent month with X to 65.

  3. R21

    First observed month with X; for those who do not have X (ever), set value for most recent month with X to −5.

  4. R22

    First observed month with X; for those who do not have X (ever), set value for most recent month with X to 65.

Information on days’ supply of most recent month with X:

  1. R23

    Binary indicator for if the person is likely to have drugs on hand the day of the index visit, calculated as days’ supply of most recent month with X divided by 30.4375 minus the # of months ago X occurred. (Yes, this will be a bit crude, but hopefully it will have some predictive power).

  2. R24

    Days’ supply of most recent month with X. Those who do not have X (ever), set days’ supply to 0 for those with missing or invalid (i.e., negative) days’ supply values, also set them to zero.

Variables summarizing PHQ responses collected at prior visits or on the day of the index visit.

PHQ information on day of visit:

  1. P01

    PHQ-8 total score on day of visit. If 5+ items are present, set total score to average of those items multiplied by 8. If <5 items are present, set to −5.

  2. P02

    PHQ-8 total score on day of visit. If 5+ items are present, set total score to average of those items multiplied by 8. If <5 items are present, set to 35.

  3. P03

    PHQ item #9 score at visit. If missing, set to −5.

  4. P04

    PHQ item #9 score at visit. If missing, set to 10.

Prior PHQ item #9 information.

  1. P05

    Highest prior PHQ item #9 score. If no prior PHQ item #9 s, set to −5.

  2. P06

    Highest prior PHQ item #9 score. If no prior PHQ item #9 s, set to 10.

  3. P07

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual had this maximum PHQ item #9 recorded. If never, set to −5.

  4. P08

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual had this maximum PHQ item #9 recorded. If never, set to 65.

  5. P09

    Number of prior PHQ item #9 s recorded. If none, set to 0.

  6. P10

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual last had PHQ item #9 recorded (regardless of its value). If never, set to −5.

  7. P11

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual last had PHQ item #9 recorded (regardless of its value). If never, set to 65.

Information about prior recorded PHQ item #9 scores of specific values. Let Y be the PHQ item #9 score that can take on the values 0, 1, 2, and 3.

  1. P12

    Number of prior recorded PHQ item #9 scores of Y. If none, set to 0.

  2. P13

    Number of prior recorded PHQ item #9 scores of Y while enrolled, divided by number of months enrolled. If none, set to 0.

  3. P14

    Number of recorded PHQ item #9 scores of Y in last 1 month. If none, set to 0.

  4. P15

    Number of recorded PHQ item #9 scores of Y in last 3 months. If none, set to 0.

  5. P16

    Number of recorded PHQ item #9 scores of Y in last 12 months. If none, set to 0.

  6. P17

    Number of recorded PHQ item #9 scores of Y in last 24 months. If none, set to 0.

  7. P18

    Number of recorded PHQ item #9 scores of Y in last 60 months. If none, set to 0.

  8. P19

    Number of recorded PHQ item #9 scores of Y divided by number of recorded PHQ item #9 scores. If none, set to 0.

  9. P20

    Number of months (continuous-valued) ago most recent PHQ item #9 score of Y recorded. If never, set to −5.

  10. P21

    Number of months (continuous-valued) ago most recent PHQ item #9 score of Y recorded. If never, set to 65.

Information about prior recorded PHQ-8 total scores:

  1. P22

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 1 year. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to −5.

  2. P23

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 1 year. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to 35.

  3. P24

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 2 years. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to −5.

  4. P25

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 2 years. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to 35.

  5. P26

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 5 years. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to −5.

  6. P27

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 5 years. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to 35.

  7. P28

    Number of prior recorded PHQ-8 scores above 10. If no prior recorded PHQ-8, set to 0.

  8. P29

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual had PHQ-8 score above 10. If never, set to −5.

  9. P30

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual had PHQ-8 score above 10. If never, set to 65.

  10. P31

    Number prior recorded PHQ-8 scores above 20. If no prior recorded PHQ-8, set to 0.

  11. P32

    Number of months (continuous-valued) ago an individual had PHQ-8 score above 20. If never, set to −5.

  12. P33

    Number of months (continuous-valued) ago an individual had PHQ-8 score above 20. If never, set to 65.

Analytic variable (i.e., predictor) specifications for logistic regression (with LASSO)

Predictors based on demographic information:

  1. A01

    Visit type (MH, general medicine).

  2. A02

    Age (in years).

  3. A03

    Sex (Male, Female, Unknown).

  4. A04

    Race (Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native, Multiple races, Other race, Unknown, white).

  5. A05

    Indicator variable for Hispanic ethnicity.

  6. A06

    Number of months of prior enrollment.

  7. A07

    Months since first MH-related visit.

  8. A08

    Indicator for if census information was available at time of visit.

  9. A09

    Categorical variable for census information not available, if median household income < $25 K, if median household income ≥ $25 K but < $40 K, or ≥ $40 K.

  10. A10

    Categorical variable for if census information not available, if neighborhood <25% college-educated, neighborhood ≥25% college-educated

  11. A11

    Type of insurance coverage (individual binary indicators (not necessarily mutually exclusive as individuals can have multiple coverage) for: Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, commercial, private pay (e.g., individual/family coverage), state-subsidized, self-funded, Medicare, high-deductible, other).

  12. A12

    Total Charlson score and each of the Charlson subitems. Missing values set to −1, indicating a person did not have any encounters in which to observe diagnoses during 1–365 days prior to visit.

Variables summarizing 60 months of information on diagnoses and utilization.

We use X to denote each diagnosis or utilization type in the descriptions below. We use “X” throughout to be consistent and less repetitive, but it should always read “diagnosis or utilization type X.”

For each of the following 25 categories, the following variables were computed from EHR and insurance claims data:

  • Diagnoses (18 in total): Depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, other psychosis, dementia, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), personality disorder, alcohol use disorder, drug use disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorder, traumatic brain injury, conduct/disruptive disorder, diabetes, asthma, pain diagnosis.

  • Mental health-related utilization (3 types in total): Inpatient encounters with a MH diagnosis, outpatient MH specialty encounters, emergency department encounters with MH diagnosis.

  • Prior injury, (4 types in total): Any suicide attempt, laceration suicide attempt, other violent suicide attempt, any injury/poisoning diagnosis.

For the full list of ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes see:

Variables summarizing presence/absence of any relevant diagnoses (from the 18 categories listed above) in specific time periods:

  1. D01

    Indicator of absence of any MH diagnosis in the last month (i.e., 1 if no MH-related diagnosis in the last month, otherwise 0).

  2. D02

    Indicator of absence of any MH diagnosis in the last 3 months (i.e., 1 if no MH-related diagnosis in the last month, otherwise 0).

  3. D03

    Indicator of absence of any MH diagnosis in the last 12 months (i.e., 1 if no MH-related diagnosis in the last month, otherwise 0).

  4. D04

    Indicator of absence of any MH diagnosis in the last 24 months (i.e., 1 if no MH-related diagnosis in the last month, otherwise 0).

  5. D05

    Indicator of absence of any MH diagnosis in the last 60 months (i.e., 1 if no MH-related diagnosis in the last month, otherwise 0).

Variables summarizing total count of days with X in specific time periods:

  1. D06

    Total count of days with X in last 1 month.

  2. D07

    Total count of days with X in last 3 months.

  3. D08

    Total count of days with X in last 12 months.

  4. D09

    Total count of days with X in last 24 months.

  5. D10

    Total count of days with X in last 60 months.

  6. D11

    Indicator of absence of diagnosis X at any time in last 60 months i.e., 1 if no diagnosis code found in the last 60 months, otherwise 0.

Variables that describe the past “rate” of X:

  1. D12

    Total days with X in last 3 months divided by number of months enrolled in those months.

  2. D13

    Total days with X in last 12 months divided by number of months enrolled in those months.

  3. D14

    Total days with X in last 24 months divided by number of months enrolled in those months.

  4. D15

    Total days with X in the past 60 months divided by number of months enrolled in those months.

Variables capturing information on how recently X occurred:

  1. D16

    Most recent occurrence of X (months prior to visit) only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0.

  2. D17

    Most recent month for which X was not observed only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0.

Variables describing earliest occurrence of X:

  1. D18

    Earliest occurrence of X (months prior to visit) only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0.

  2. D19

    Difference between the earliest month and most recent month with occurrence of X only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0.

Variables describing trend in X over time:

  1. D20

    (# of months with X) × [(difference between the earliest month and most recent month with X] + 1) only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0.

  2. D21

    Maximum # of days with X in any month minus the minimum count of days with X in any month only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0.

  3. D22

    Maximum # of days with X in any month only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0.

  4. D23

    Number of months in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is the entire visit sample’s average monthly days with X only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0. Calculate Y by averaging over all months with at least one X.

  5. D24

    Number of months in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is person’s average monthly days with X as of this visit only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0.

  6. D25

    Proportion of months enrolled in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is entire visit sample’s average monthly days with X only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0. Calculate Y by averaging over all months with at least one X.

  7. D26

    Proportion of months enrolled in which days with X exceeds Y, where Y is person’s average monthly days with X as of this visit. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit up to the full past 60 months.

  8. D27

    Total days with X in last month minus monthly average for prior 2–12 months. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit. If not enrolled ≥2 months, set to 0.

  9. D28

    Monthly average of days with X in last 2 months minus monthly average over prior 3–12 months. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit. If not enrolled ≥3 months, set to 0.

  10. D29

    Monthly average of days with X in last 3 months minus monthly average over prior 4–12 months. Only consider X that occurred while person was enrolled prior to visit. If not enrolled ≥4 months, set to 0.

Variables describing monthly occurrence of X in specific time periods:

  1. D30

    Number of months with X in last 3 months.

  2. D31

    Number of months with X in last 6 months.

  3. D32

    Number of months with X in last 12 months.

  4. D33

    Number of months with X in last 24 months.

  5. D34

    Number of months with X in last 60 months.

Variables describing monthly maxes:

  1. D35

    Most recent month in which the maximum (over all 60 months) number of days with X in a month occurred only for those people with a diagnosis of X at some point, otherwise 0. Use most recent month in case of ties.

    Variables describing minimum monthly count of X specific time periods.

  2. D36

    Minimum monthly count of days with X in last 3 months.

  3. D37

    Minimum monthly count of days with X in last 12 months.

  4. D38

    Minimum monthly count of days with X in last 24 months.

  5. D39

    Minimum monthly count of days with X in last 60 months.

  6. D40

    Most recent month in which the minimum (over all 60 months) number of days with X in a month occurred. Use most recent month in case of ties. If X was never observed, assign 0.

Primary reason for MH-related visits.

Only calculated for the 18 aforementioned MH diagnosis categories (i.e., not encounters or self-harm injury).

  1. D41

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 1 month, calculated as days with X in last 1 month divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 1 month. If no MH diagnoses in last 1 month, set to 0.

  2. D42

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 3 months, calculated as days with X in last 3 months divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 3 months. If no MH diagnoses in last 3 months, set to 0.

  3. D43

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 12 months, calculated as days with X in last 12 months divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 12 months. If no MH diagnoses in last 12 months, set to 0.

  4. D44

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 24 months, calculated as days with X in last 24 months divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 24 months. If no MH diagnoses in last 24 months, set to 0.

  5. D45

    Proportion of MH-related visits associated with X during last 60 months, calculated as days with X in last 60 months divided by maximum number of days with any particular diagnosis in last 60 months. If no MH diagnoses in last 60 months, set to 0.

Variables summarizing 60 months of information on prescription fills.

In this section, we use “X” throughout to be consistent and less repetitive, but it should always read “one or more dispensings of prescription drug type X.”

We excluded medications dispensed on the day of the visits in our data pull as information around timing is not sufficient to evaluate if the medication was dispensed before the visit or prescribed during the visit and picked up after the visit finished. We recognize that the days’ supply variable is not ideal but hopefully still informative in this data set.

For each of the following 8 prescription drug types, each of the following variables were computed: antidepressant, benzodiazepine, hypnotic, second generation antipsychotic, first generation antipsychotic, stimulants, lithium, and anticonvulsants.

For the full list of medications used in each category see:

Variables summarizing total number (#) of months with X in specific time periods.

  1. R01

    Binary variable indicating whether X occurred in last 1 month.

  2. R02

    # of months with X in last 3 months.

  3. R03

    # of months with X in last 12 months.

  4. R04

    # of months with X in last 24 months.

  5. R05

    # of months with X in last 60 months.

  6. R06

    Indicator for absence of X anytime in the last 60 months (i.e., equal to one if no Rx fill for drug type X, otherwise 0).

Variables describing rate of X in specific time periods while enrolled:

  1. R07

    # of months with X in last 3 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 3 months.

  2. R08

    # of months with X in last 12 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 12 months.

  3. R09

    # of months with X in last 24 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 24 months.

  4. R10

    # of months with X in last 60 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 60 months.

Variables describing total days’ supply of X dispensed in specific time periods.

Missing days supply will be treated as 0 (i.e., ignored) in all sums.

  1. R11

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 1 month.

  2. R12

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 3 months.

  3. R13

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 12 months.

  4. R14

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 24 months.

  5. R15

    Total days’ supply of X dispensed in last 60 months.

Variables describing “rate” of days’ supply of X in specific time periods while enrolled.

Missing days supply will be treated as 0 (i.e., ignored) in all sums.

  1. R16

    Days’ supply of X dispensed in last 3 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 3 months.

  2. R17

    Days’ supply of X dispensed in last 12 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 12 months.

  3. R18

    Days’ supply of X dispensed in last 24 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 24 months.

  4. R19

    Days’ supply of X dispensed sin last 60 months divided by # of months enrolled in last 60 months.

Variables describing timing of X:

  1. R20

    Most recent month with X for those who have had a script for X ever, otherwise 0.

  2. R21

    First observed month with X for those who have had a script for X ever, otherwise 0.

Information on days’ supply of most recent month with X:

  1. R22

    Binary indicator for if the person is likely to have drugs on hand the day of the index visit, calculated as days’ supply of most recent month with X divided by 30.4375 minus the # of months ago X occurred.

  2. R23

    Days’ supply of most recent month with X. Those who do not have X (ever), set days’ supply to 0.

Variables summarizing PHQ scores collected at prior visits.

PHQ information on day of visit:

  1. P01

    Indicator for if PHQ-8 missing on the day.

  2. P02

    Indicator for if PHQ item 9 missing on the day.

  3. P03

    PHQ-8 total score on day of visit. If 5+ items are present, set total score to average of those items multiplied by 8. If <5 items are present, set to 0.

  4. P04

    PHQ item 9 score at visit. If missing, set to 0.

Prior PHQ item 9 information:

  1. P05

    Indicator for if no prior PHQ item 9 score recorded (i.e., 1 if no prior PHQ item 9 score recorded, if there is one recorded then set to 0).

  2. P06

    Highest prior PHQ item 9 score. If no prior PHQ item 9 s, set to 0.

  3. P07

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual had this maximum PHQ item 9 recorded. If never, set to 0.

  4. P08

    Number of prior PHQ item 9 s recorded. If none, set to 0.

  5. P09

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual last had PHQ item 9 recorded (regardless of its value). If never, set to 0.

Information about prior recorded PHQ item 9 scores of specific values. Let Y be the PHQ item#9 score that can take on the values 0, 1, 2, and 3.

  1. P10

    Number of prior recorded PHQ item 9 scores of Y. If none, set to 0.

  2. P11

    Number of prior recorded PHQ item 9 scores of Y while enrolled, divided by number of months enrolled. If none, set to 0.

  3. P12

    Number of recorded PHQ item 9 scores of Y in last 1 month. If none, set to 0.

  4. P13

    Number of recorded PHQ item 9 scores of Y in last 3 months. If none, set to 0.

  5. P14

    Number of recorded PHQ item 9 scores of Y in last 12 months. If none, set to 0.

  6. P15

    Number of recorded PHQ item 9 scores of Y in last 24 months. If none, set to 0.

  7. P16

    Number of recorded PHQ item 9 scores of Y in last 60 months. If none, set to 0.

  8. P17

    Number of recorded PHQ item 9 scores of Y divided by number of recorded PHQ item 9 scores. If none, set to 0.

  9. P18

    Number of months (continuous-valued) ago most recent PHQ item 9 score of Y recorded. If never, set to 0.

Information about prior recorded PHQ-8 total scores:

  1. P19

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 1 year. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to 0.

  2. P20

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 2 years. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to 0.

  3. P21

    Highest prior observed PHQ-8 total score in past 5 years. If no prior PHQ-8 recorded, set to 0.

  4. P22

    Number of prior recorded PHQ-8 scores above 10. If no prior recorded PHQ-8, set to 0.

  5. P23

    Indicator for if there was no prior PHQ-8 score above 10 (i.e., 1 if had a PHQ-8 above 10, otherwise, including if no prior PHQ-8, 0).

  6. P24

    Number of months (continuous-valued, days / 30.4375) ago an individual had PHQ-8 score above 10. If never, set to 0.

  7. P25

    Number prior recorded PHQ-8 scores above 20. If no prior recorded PHQ-8, set to 0.

  8. P26

    Indicator for if there was no prior PHQ-8 score above 20 (i.e., 1 if had a PHQ-8 above 20, otherwise, including if no prior PHQ-8, 0).

  9. P27

    Number of months (continuous-valued) ago an individual had PHQ-8 score above 20. If never, set to 0.

Prespecified interactions for logistic regression models used in screening.

There are already some interactions baked into the variable descriptions above. Here we describe additional interactions that were considered in the lasso model. We created predictors for interactions between clinical information and five variables: age, race and ethnicity, sex, PHQ item 9 response on the day, and prior suicide attempt. In each of the subsections below we describe the clinical information we consider as possible interactions in the logistic regression prediction model.

Due to computational limitations, we were not able to put all interactions into the final model for consideration. We used a screening strategy to whittle these variables down to the number of predictors consider for estimating the lasso model. Below each of the possible interactions are listed by the screening models used. Each screening model was run with lasso with a small tuning parameter to shrink the number of predictors to around 100 predictors per screening model. All of the predictors that made it through this round of screening were then put into the final predictor list for consideration in the final logistic regression with lasso, i.e., these variables were put through a further variable selection process.

Interactions with age groups (in years): 11–17,18–25, 26–35, 36–45, 46–55, 56–65, 66+

  1. a.

    Age screening model 1 interacted age categories with:

    1. a.

      Diagnosis information: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D08, D11, D12, D14,

  2. b.

    Age screening model 2 interacted age categories with:

    1. a.

      Prior suicide attempt information: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D09, D10, D11, D12, D13

    2. b.

      PHQ-8 total score on the day: P01 and P03

    3. c.

      Prior PHQ item 9 information: P05, P06, P07, P08, P09, P10, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18

    4. d.

      PHQ item 9 information on the day: P02, P04

    5. e.

      Diagnosis timing information: D11, D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35

Interactions with race and ethnicity

  1. 1.

    Race and ethnicity screening model 1 interacted race and ethnicity with:

    1. a.

      Basic diagnosis information: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D08, D11, D12, D14

  2. 2.

    Race and ethnicity screening model 2 interacted race and ethnicity with:

    1. a.

      Medication information: R01 – R22

  3. 3.

    Race and ethnicity screening model 3 interacted race and ethnicity with:

    1. a.

      Prior suicide attempt information: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D09, D10, D11, D12, D13

    2. b.

      PHQ-8 total score on the day: P01 and P03

    3. c.

      Prior PHQ item 9 information: P05, P06, P07, P08, P09, P10, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18

    4. d.

      PHQ item 9 information on the day: P02, P04

    5. e.

      Diagnosis timing information: D11, D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35

Interactions with sex was done with one screening model and included interactions with:

  1. a.

    Diagnosis information: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D11, D12, D14, D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35.

  2. b.

    Prior suicide attempt information: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D09, D10, D11, D12, D13.

  3. c.

    PHQ-8 total score on the day: P01 and P03.

  4. d.

    Prior PHQ item 9 information: P05, P06, P07, P08, P09, P10, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18.

  5. e.

    PHQ item 9 information on the day: P02, P04.

Interactions with PHQ item 9 response on the day was complete in one screening model and included interactions with:

  1. a.

    Diagnosis: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D11, D12, D14, D26, D27, D28, D29, D30, D31.

  2. b.

    Prior suicide attempt information: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D09, D10, D11, D12, D13.

  3. c.

    Prior PHQ item 9 information: P05, P06, P07, P08, P09, P10, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18.

Interactions with known prior suicide attempt (any known suicide attempt) were fit in one screening model and included interactions with:

  1. a.

    Prior PHQ item 9 information: P05, P06, P07, P08, P09, P10, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.