The need for automated and efficient systems for tracking full animal pose has increased with the complexity of behavioral data and analyses. Here we introduce LEAP (LEAP estimates animal pose), a deep-learning-based method for predicting the positions of animal body parts. This framework consists of a graphical interface for labeling of body parts and training the network. LEAP offers fast prediction on new data, and training with as few as 100 frames results in 95% of peak performance. We validated LEAP using videos of freely behaving fruit flies and tracked 32 distinct points to describe the pose of the head, body, wings and legs, with an error rate of <3% of body length. We recapitulated reported findings on insect gait dynamics and demonstrated LEAP’s applicability for unsupervised behavioral classification. Finally, we extended the method to more challenging imaging situations and videos of freely moving mice.
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Data availability
The entire primary dataset of 59 aligned, high-resolution behavioral videos is made available online for reproducibility or further studies based off of this method, as well as labeled data to train and ground-truth the networks, pre-trained networks used for all analyses, and estimated body-part positions for all 21 million frames. This dataset (~170 GiB) is freely available at http://arks.princeton.edu/ark:/88435/dsp01pz50gz79z. Data from additional fly and mouse datasets used in Fig. 6 can be made available upon reasonable request.
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The authors acknowledge J. Pillow for discussions; B.C. Cho for contributions to the acquisition and preprocessing pipeline for mouse experiments; P. Chen for a previous version of a neural network for pose estimation that was useful in designing our method; H. Jang, M. Murugan, and I. Witten for feedback on the GUI and other discussions; G. Guan for assistance maintaining flies; and the Murthy, Shaevitz and Wang labs for general feedback. This work was supported by the NIH R01 NS104899-01 BRAIN Initiative Award and an NSF BRAIN Initiative EAGER Award (to M.M. and J.W.S.), NIH R01 MH115750 BRAIN Initiative Award (to S.S.-H.W. and J.W.S.), the Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation and NIH R01 NS045193 (to S.S.-H.W.), an HHMI Faculty Scholar Award (to M.M.), NSF GRFP DGE-1148900 (to T.D.P.), and the Center for the Physics of Biological Function sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF PHY-1734030).
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Authors and Affiliations
T.D.P., D.E.A., S.S.-H.W., J.W.S. and M.M. designed the study. T.D.P., D.E.A., L.W. and M.K. conducted experiments. T.D.P. and D.E.A. developed the GUI and analyzed data. T.D.P., D.E.A., J.W.S. and M.M. wrote the manuscript.
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T.D.P., D.E.A., J.W.S. and M.M. are named as inventors on US provisional patent no. 62/741,643 filed by Princeton University.
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Supplementary Figure 1 Rotational invariance is learned at the cost of prediction accuracy.
a, The augmentation procedure consists of random rotations about the center of egocentrically aligned labeled frames. Labeled frames are split into training, validation and test sets. Colors are used to indicate unique images. Only training and validation sets are augmented and used for training. During training, images are drawn sequentially from the training and validation sets to form batches of 32 images, cycling back to the beginning if there are fewer images than required, and then rotated randomly within a range of angles. After each epoch, the ordering of the datasets is shuffled so as to create new combinations of batches. The test set images are not augmented before computing accuracy metrics reported throughout. b, Egocentric alignment accuracy of the preprocessing algorithm from ref. 9 when compared to manual labels of head and thorax. The error is the absolute deviation of the angle formed between the thorax and head from the horizontal centerline in the image. c, The accuracy measured as the r.m.s. error of position estimates when evaluated on data artificially rotated at a fixed angle (rows) with networks trained on data augmented by rotations between a range of angles (columns). Red boxes denote the best accuracy for each data angle.
Supplementary Figure 2 Cluster sampling to promote pose diversity in the labeling dataset.
a, PCA of unlabeled images captures 80% of the variance in the data (gray line; n = 29,500 images) within 50 components (blue bars). b, Top PCA eigenmodes visualized as coefficient images. Red and blue shading denote positive and negative coefficients at each pixel, respectively. Areas of similar colors indicate correlated pixel intensities within a given mode. c, Cluster centroids identified by k-means after PCA. Red and blue shading denote pixels with higher or lower intensity than the overall mean, respectively.
Supplementary Figure 3 Comparison of neural network architecture.
a, Diagram of our neural network architecture. Raw images are provided as input into the network, which then computes a set of confidence maps of the same height and width as the input image (top row). The network consists of a set of convolutions, max pooling and transposed convolutions whose weights are learned during training (top middle). Estimated confidence maps are compared to ground truth maps generated from user labels using a mean squared error loss function, which is then minimized during training (bottom row). b, Accuracy comparison between network architectures. We compared the accuracy of our architecture to the hourglass and stacked hourglass versions of the network described in ref. 10. The accuracy of our network is equivalent or better than that achieved when training with hourglass (over all 32 body parts, n = 300 held-out frames, P < 1 × 10–10, Wilcoxon rank sum test, one-tailed, z = –74.65) and stacked hourglass (over all 32 body parts, n = 300 held-out frames, P < 1 × 10–10, Wilcoxon rank sum test, one-tailed, z = –53.21) versions of the network described in ref. 10. Dots and error bars denote median and 25th and 75th percentiles; violin plots denote full distributions of errors.
Supplementary Figure 4 User-defined skeleton.
The 32 selected points approximately match the set of visible joints and interest points in the anatomy of the animal.
Supplementary Figure 5 Estimation accuracy improves with few samples.
a,b, Error distance distributions per body part when estimated with networks trained for 15 epochs on 10 (a) or 250 (b) labeled frames. c, Time spent labeling each frame decreases with the quality of initialization. Line and shaded regions correspond to mean and s.d., respectively. Starting frames require 115.4 ± 45.0 (mean ± s.d.) seconds to label, decreasing to 6.1 ± 7.7 s after initialization with a network trained on 1,000 labeled frames (n = 1,500 total labeled frames). d, Accuracy improvements are observed with very few labeled samples. A plateau is observed at around 150–200 frames, with marginal improvements with additional labeling. Circles denote the test set r.m.s. error for one replicate of fast training (15 epochs) at each dataset size; lines denote mean of all replicates.
Supplementary Figure 6 Comparison of behavioral space distributions generated from compressed images versus body-part positions.
a, Behavioral space distribution from 59 male flies calculated using the original MotionMapper pipeline (data and pipeline from 12), including Radon-transform compression and PCA-based projection onto the first 50 principal components followed by a nonlinear embedding of the resultant spectrograms. b, Behavioral space distribution from 59 male flies (data and pipeline from 12) calculated using spectrograms generated from tracked body-part positions rather than PCA modes (see Methods). c, Joint probability distribution of the cluster labels from a and b; sorted by row and column peaks.
Supplementary Figure 7 Generalization to more diverse morphologies with a single network trades off with accuracy.
a,b, Male and female flies differ in anatomical morphology, in part because of differences in their body length. a, The males more often extend their wings as they are used to produce courtship song. b, The females rarely extend their wings in this context. c, Training on labeled images of just males results in high accuracy on male test set images. d, Training on both males and females still results in high accuracy on male test set images. e, Quantification of r.m.s. error on the male test set shows that generalization to two different morphologies increases the error metric. Circles denote training replicates, diamonds denote median r.m.s. error for all replicates and solid and open markers correspond to specialized and generalized training, respectively.
Supplementary information
Supplementary Text and Figures
Supplementary Figs. 1–7 and Supplementary Results
Supplementary Video 1
Body-part tracking is reliable over long periods without temporal constraints. Raw images (left), max projection of all confidence maps (center) and tracked images (right) during a 20-s bout of free movement. Video playback at ×0.2 real-time speed.
Supplementary Video 2
Body-part tracking during free-moving locomotion. Raw images (left), max projection of all confidence maps (center) and tracked images (right) during a bout of locomotion. Video playback at ×0.15 real-time speed. Video corresponds to Fig. 1d.
Supplementary Video 3
Body-part tracking during head grooming. Raw images (left), max projection of all confidence maps (center), and tracked images (right) during a bout of head grooming. Video playback at ×0.15 real-time speed. Video corresponds to Fig. 1e.
Supplementary Video 4
Tracking joints robustly in images with heterogeneous background and noisy segmentation. Raw images (left), max projection of all confidence maps (center) and tracked images (right) of a freely moving courting male fly. Rows correspond to results from a network trained on unmasked and masked images, respectively. Video playback at ×0.2 real-time speed.
Supplementary Video 5
Tracking joints in freely moving rodents. Raw images (left), max projection of all confidence maps (center) and tracked images (right) of a freely moving mouse in an open field arena imaged from below through a clear acrylic floor. Video playback at ×0.2 real-time speed. Tracking is reliable over time but degenerate when certain parts are occluded, such as when the animal rears.
Supplementary Software
LEAP (LEAP estimates animal pose) software for estimation of animal body-part position.
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Pereira, T.D., Aldarondo, D.E., Willmore, L. et al. Fast animal pose estimation using deep neural networks. Nat Methods 16, 117–125 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-018-0234-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-018-0234-5
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