Key Points
Spatiotemporal network dynamics govern cell fate decisions. We use the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway as a paradigm to describe how temporal activation kinetics and spatial organization control biological decisions.
Signalling circuits can operate as analogue-to-digital converters, generating abrupt switches, multistable dynamics, excitable pulses and oscillations. These distinct outputs facilitate signal discrimination by target gene networks and control cell phenotypic responses.
The transfer of information through signalling networks is regulated at several levels and includes spatiotemporal control. Multiple regulatory motifs, such as feedback and feed-forward phosphorylation loops, and crosstalk between pathways provide robustness and fidelity of the input–output responses.
Scaffolding proteins physically link pathway components, thereby forming signalling modules that markedly affect spatiotemporal control of signalling and specificity of inputs and outputs. Scaffolds often also localize these signalling units to distinct subcellular compartments and can allosterically regulate binding partners.
Nanoscale and microscale signalling domains are highly dynamic structures that form in membrane compartments. Well-characterized domains are Ras nanoclusters that may have a crucial control in input–output relationships in the Ras–Raf–MAPK/ERK kinase–ERK pathway.
Distinct spatial domains can also arise from chemical reactions coupled with diffusion. Combined with the distinct localization of enzymes, these processes generate intricate concentration landscapes of enzymatic reactivities, macromolecules and second messengers within cells.
Although we have amassed extensive catalogues of signalling network components, our understanding of the spatiotemporal control of emergent network structures has lagged behind. Dynamic behaviour is starting to be explored throughout the genome, but analysis of spatial behaviours is still confined to individual proteins. The challenge is to reveal how cells integrate temporal and spatial information to determine specific biological functions. Key findings are the discovery of molecular signalling machines such as Ras nanoclusters, spatial activity gradients and flexible network circuitries that involve transcriptional feedback. They reveal design principles of spatiotemporal organization that are crucial for network function and cell fate decisions.
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We thank M. Tsyganov, J. Muñoz García, A. Kiyatkin and N. Kaimachnikov for discussions. This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland under Grant No. 06/CE/B1129 and National Institutes of Health grants GM059570, GM066717. We apologize about not citing many pertinent contributions to the field because of space limitations.
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Kholodenko, B., Hancock, J. & Kolch, W. Signalling ballet in space and time. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 11, 414–426 (2010).
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