With the growing needs of data intensive science, such as high energy physics, and the need to share data between multiple remote computer and data centers worldwide, the necessity for high network performance to replicate large volumes (TBytes) of data between remote sites in Europe, Japan and the U.S. is imperative. Currently, most production bulk-data replication on the network utilizes multiple parallel standard (Reno based) TCP streams. Optimizing the window sizes and number of parallel stream is time consuming, complex, and varies (in some cases hour by hour) depending on network configurations and loads. We therefore evaluated new advanced TCP stacks that do not require multiple parallel streams while giving good performances on high speed long-distance network paths. In this paper, we report measurements made on real production networks with various TCP implementations on paths with different Round Trip Times (RTT) using both optimal and sub-optimal window sizes.
We compared the New Reno TCP with the following stacks: HS-TCP, Fast TCP, S-TCP, HSTCP-LP, H-TCP and Bic-TCP. The analysis will compare and report on the stacks in terms of achievable throughput, impact on RTT, intra- and inter-protocol fairness, stability, as well as the impact of reverse traffic.
We also report on some tentative results from tests made on unloaded 10 Gbps paths during SuperComputing 2003.
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Bullot, H., Les Cottrell, R. & Hughes-Jones, R. Evaluation of Advanced TCP Stacks on Fast Long-Distance Production Networks. Journal of Grid Computing 1, 345–359 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/B:GRID.0000037555.53402.4f
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/B:GRID.0000037555.53402.4f