Spiders were sampled using insecticide knockdown in an African montane forest in the Uzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. The results are used to discuss the faunal composition at the site and in comparison to other sites, and the implications of the results for estimating spider diversity in Africa are discussed. A total of 5233 adults comprising 149 species were collected from 11 samples covering a total of 906 m2 of projected area. Three species contributed 45% of the sample. Previous insecticide knockdown studies of tropical lowland forest canopies have shown a dominance of Theridiidae, Salticidae and Araneidae. In the present study Linyphiidae dominated in abundance and were the second most diverse in terms of species richness. Other abundant families were Oonopidae and Pholcidae, while Theridiidae, Salticidae and Araneidae were rich in species. This supports a previous study, which indicated that the importance of linyphiids increases with altitude. Species richness was predicted using a number of estimators, which produced relatively similar results. Using the abundance-based estimator, Chao 1, the predicted richness for the total area sampled is 183 ± 15 species. This indicates that at least 20% of the area's spider community remains unsampled. A high ratio of undescribed species (approximately 80%) and a relatively high species turnover compared to a site 20 km away within the same forest complex suggests that the number of spiders in Africa could well be much higher than the current, published estimate of 20000 species.
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Sørensen, L.L. Composition and diversity of the spider fauna in the canopy of a montane forest in Tanzania. Biodiversity and Conservation 13, 437–452 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1023/B:BIOC.0000006510.49496.1e
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/B:BIOC.0000006510.49496.1e