Guanxi (personal connection) has been identified as a necessary condition to do business successfully in China. In this paper, we seek a clear conceptual understanding of this prevalent construct and propose a three-stage model of guanxi development so as to stimulate systematic research in this area. Our conceptual and theoretical discussion of guanxi bases,guanxi objectives, and the operating principles at different stages of guanxi development will also help practitioners to use guanxi more effectively.
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Chen, XP., Chen, C.C. On the Intricacies of the Chinese Guanxi: A Process Model of Guanxi Development. Asia Pacific Journal of Management 21, 305–324 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1023/B:APJM.0000036465.19102.d5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/B:APJM.0000036465.19102.d5