Studying industrial systems by simulation enables the designer to study their dynamic behaviour and to determine characteristics of the system. Unfortunately, simulation also has some disadvantages. These can be overcome by using formal methods. Formal methods allow a thorough analysis of the possible behaviours of a system, parameterised system analysis and a modular approach to the analysis of systems. We present a case study in which a model of an industrial system is studied in a formal way. For this purpose, the model is first specified and simulated using the CSP-based executable specification language χ. The model is translated into a model in the process algebra μCRL. This enables us to give a correctness proof of the parameterised model and to study the model in isolation.
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Kleijn, J., Reniers, M. & Rooda, J. Analysis of an Industrial System. Formal Methods in System Design 22, 249–282 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022901312673
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022901312673