In many European countries, surplus agricultural production and ecological problems due to intensive soil cultivation have increased the interest in afforestation of arable soils. Many environmental consequences which might rise from this alternative land-use are only known from forest establishment on less intensively managed or marginal soils. The present study deals with changes in soil properties following afforestation of nutrient-rich arable soils. A chronosequence study was carried out comprising seven Norway spruce (Picea abies (Karst.) L.) and seven oak (Quercus robur L.) stands established from 1969 to 1997 on former horticultural and agricultural soils in the vicinity of Copenhagen, Denmark. For comparison, a permanent pasture and a ca. 200-year-old mixed deciduous forest were included. This paper reports on changes in pH values, base saturation (BSeff), exchangeable calcium, soil N pools (Nmin contents), and C/N ratios in the Ap-horizon (0–25 cm) and the accumulated forest floor. The results suggest that afforestation slowly modifies soil properties of former arable soils. Land-use history seems to influence soil properties more than the selected tree species. An effect of tree species was only found in the forest floor parameters. Soil acidification was the most apparent change along the chronosequence in terms of a pH decrease from 6 to 4 in the upper 5 cm soil. Forest floor pH varied only slightly around 5. Nitrogen storage in the Ap-horizon remained almost constant at 5.5 Mg N ha−1. This was less than in the mineral soil of the ca. 200-year-old forest. In the permanent pasture, N storage was somewhat higher in 0–15 cm depth than in afforested stands of comparable age. Nitrogen storage in the forest floor of the 0–30-year-old stands increased in connection with the build-up of forest floor mass. The increase was approximately five times greater under spruce than oak. Mineral soil C/N ratios ranged from 10 to 15 in all stands and tended to increase in older stands only in 0–5 cm depth. Forest floor C/N ratios were higher in spruce stands (26.4) as compared to oak stands (22.7). All stands except the youngest within a single tree species had comparable C/N ratios.
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Ritter, E., Vesterdal, L. & Gundersen, P. Changes in soil properties after afforestation of former intensively managed soils with oak and Norway spruce. Plant and Soil 249, 319–330 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022808410732
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022808410732