As the end of 1990s draws ever closer, organizations are “making the dash to the year 2000 finish line.” Unfortunately, this is no small task. Moreover, the year 2000 concerns of many organizations will not end on January 1, 2000. Systems failures will inevitably occur, and experts predict that the year 2000 (Y2K) problem will lead to numerous lawsuits costing enterprises vast sums of money. With the rise of litigation, it is likely that ethical questions will also be raised about organizations' handling of their year 2000 problems. Among the relevant ethical issues that will be considered is did system developers and their organizations have an ethical obligation to address the year 2000 problem? This question is of great importance whether the developers work for in-house information systems (IS) departments or for software and hardware vendor organizations. This paper takes a detailed look at this issue. This paper also focuses special attention on a typology of factors, derived from models of ethical decision making, that have served to inhibit or facilitate organizational responses to the year 2000 problem. The goal of this analysis is to recognize and remove the obstacles that remain to an effective Y2K response, so that organizations can not only become year-2000-ready, but also become better prepared to ethically, technically, and effectively manage their information assets. In so doing, organizations will be pursuing the prudent, ethical course of action that minimizes their legal exposure, and protects the long-term interests of their stakeholders.
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Kappelman, L.A., Cappel, J.J. The Year 2000 Problem: Ethical Implications. Information Systems Frontiers 1, 127–139 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1010079820452
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1010079820452