We discuss polynomial interpolation in several variables from a polynomial ideal point of view. One of the results states that if I is a real polynomial ideal with real variety and if its codimension is equal to the cardinality of its variety, then for each monomial order there is a unique polynomial that interpolates on the points in the variety. The result is motivated by the problem of constructing cubature formulae, and it leads to a theorem on cubature formulae which can be considered an extension of Gaussian quadrature formulae to several variables.
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Xu, Y. Polynomial interpolation in several variables, cubature formulae, and ideals[*]Supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant DMS-9802265.. Advances in Computational Mathematics 12, 363–376 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018989707569
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018989707569