A network model is a fundamental part of anetwork management solution. Traditionally, networkmodels have provided views with static behavior andlimited state of the network elements that theyrepresent. This paper discusses an alternative approach tothe creation and maintenance of network models thatrelies on the use of mobile agents and the principle ofdelegation. In the intelligent network model proposed, behavior and state are part of the model andboth may be dynamically updated. A mobile codeenvironment being used to support the research isbriefly described.
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White, T., Pagurek, B. & Bieszczad, A. Network Modeling for Management Applications Using Intelligent Mobile Agents. Journal of Network and Systems Management 7, 295–321 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018723428983
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018723428983