Satisfiability problems and probabilistic models are core topics of artificial intelligence and computer science. This paper looks at the rich intersection between these two areas, opening the door for the use of satisfiability approaches in probabilistic domains. The paper examines a generic stochastic satisfiability problem, SSAT, which can function for probabilistic domains as SAT does for deterministic domains. It shows the connection between SSAT and well-studied problems in belief network inference and planning under uncertainty, and defines algorithms, both systematic and stochastic, for solving SSAT instances. These algorithms are validated on random SSAT formulae generated under the fixed-clause model. In spite of the large complexity gap between SSAT (PSPACE) and SAT (NP), the paper suggests that much of what we have learned about SAT transfers to the probabilistic domain.
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Littman, M.L., Majercik, S.M. & Pitassi, T. Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability. Journal of Automated Reasoning 27, 251–296 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1017584715408
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1017584715408