Photosynthetica 1997, 33(13):427-438 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1006872320071
Comparison of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics and photochemical activities of isolated chloroplasts in genetic analysis of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. hybrids
- 1 Department of Physiology of Photosynthesis, Na Karlovce 1a, Institute of Experimental Botany, Praha 6, Czech Republic
- 2 Department of Genetics and Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Praha 2, Czech Republic
- 3 Department of Physiology of Photosynthesis, Institute of Experimental Botany, Praha 6, Czech Republic
In experiments with 5x5 diallel cross of tomato cv. Smržické contents of individual chlorophylls (Chl) and carotenoids (Car), Chl fluorescence kinetic parameters (Fv/Fm, qp, qN and ΦII), activities of photosystem 2 and of the whole electron transport chain (Hill reaction) were compared during plant ontogeny with the aim to detect genetically determined differences among genotypes. The differences in Chl fluorescence kinetic parameters and Hill reaction activities were more affected by leaf development than by plant genotype, although the differences between reciprocal crosses were found in the former ones. Some additive genetic effects may participate in the genetic determination of qN. Statistically significant non-additive genetic effects in inheritance of the total Chl content were found. Detailed pigment analysis revealed additivity together with differences between reciprocal crosses in individual Car and Chl. The highest general combining ability was found for the parental line AM.
Additional key words: carotenoids; electron transport chain; Hill reaction; hybrids; leaf development; PAM; photosystem 2; plant growth; tomato
Prepublished online: January 1, 1998; Published: September 1, 1997 Show citation
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