Urbanization and climate change have put large segments of the population at risk of heavy rainfall, river, and coastal flooding. In order to keep up with sustainable development, cities need to protect flood-prone areas, which require significant investment in green infrastructure solutions. Determining which flood protection to fund typically involves an analysis of key costs and benefits. The importance of implementing green infrastructure for flood protection is widely accepted. This research combines a series of structures in order to decrease or eliminate flood effects on the surrounding area of Larissa city, Greece. At the same time, that combination of installation can partly solve the irrigation water shortage during summer months at a certain region of prefecture of Larissa. Thus, a powerful pumping station is proposed to be installed at the riverside of Pinios outside of Amygdalea village, capable of pump almost 5 million m3 per day. The pumped water is going to fill a large reservoir next to the pumping station, which is going to be connected to a long network of irrigation canals. As a result, floods could be avoided and the excess water could irrigate thousands of acres throughout the year.
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Anna Zahidou and Ilias Boufikos provided al the needed data for this research. Nikolaos Alamanis provided help in terms of evaluating the stability of the embankment. Nikolaos Xafoulis provided help with the hydraulic parameters of the research. Evangelos Paschalis conceived the idea this research and along with Dimitri Tselio and Grigorio Papageorgiou processed all the data, applied the proper equations, reached out the results and finally wrote the article.
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Paschalis, E., Xafoulis, N., Alamanis, N. et al. Can Reservoirs Combine Flood Protection and Irrigation? A Case Study for Larissa City, Greece. Oper. Res. Forum 5, 16 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-024-00299-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-024-00299-8