This paper reviews the dislocation based models that have been used until now to consider dislocation effects on the plastic deformation in the crystalline material. We separate two general strategies: discrete dislocation dynamics models that consider individual dislocations and continuum dislocation dynamics models that consider dislocation density as a state variable to analyze the plastic deformation. Since these methods are very widespread due to suggested new approaches and computational advances they need to be reviewed. The objective of this review is to introduce these methods and comparing existing results in two categories to know which method can be used to reach more accurate results for considering dislocation in crystalline metals. Seventeen papers and thesis were chosen that predicted the stress–strain curve of different crystalline material by emphasizing dislocation effect on their results. Advantages and lacks of both methods are mentioned and it is discussed which method is suitable for stress–strain prediction. It is observed that continuum dislocation dynamics methods can predict the stress–strain curves more efficiently than discreet dislocation dynamics.
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The authors wish to exhibit their thanks to their coworker at University of Guilan, many of whom contributed to this work.
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Mohamadnejad, S., Basti, A. & Ansari, R. Analyses of Dislocation Effects on Plastic Deformation. Multiscale Sci. Eng. 2, 69–89 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42493-020-00037-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42493-020-00037-2