Imbalanced data sets are those in which data samples have uneven distribution amongst the classes. When classifying such data, classical classifiers encounter problem; hence, this problem has become a challenging issue in the field of machine learning. To weaken this problem, we propose a novel hyper-heuristic algorithm, called HTSS, to select the best training samples in this paper. In other words, the best training sample subset is chosen with the goal of enhancing the performance of classifier when confronting imbalanced data. To do so, some local search algorithms and a choice function are incorporated with a global search algorithm to improve its effectiveness. The global search used in this paper is binary quantum inspired gravitational search algorithm (BQIGSA) which is a recently proposed meta-heuristic search for optimization of binary encoded problems. Experiments are performed on 75 imbalanced data sets, and G-mean and AUC measures are employed for evaluation. The results of comparing the proposed method with other state of the art algorithms show the superiority of the proposed HTSS method.
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Nikpour, B., Nezamabadi-pour, H. HTSS: a hyper-heuristic training set selection method for imbalanced data sets. Iran J Comput Sci 1, 109–128 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42044-018-0009-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42044-018-0009-2