In this paper, we construct a bound-preserving (BP) local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) method for the generalized third-order Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equations. The KdV equations have been widely used in mathematical models in dispersive hydrodynamics. We are interested in a new algorithm that is closer to the real physical bounds of solitary waves and dispersive shock waves (DSWs). We design a BP scheme for \(P^2\) LDG discretizations on nonuniform meshes so that an appropriate choice for the time step, the space size, and the penalty term is allowed to make the cell average of numerical solutions within the scope of global bounds. The third-order strong stability preserving (SSP) Runge–Kutta method is used to preserve the BP property of the discrete scheme. Furthermore, we extend the BP scheme to the two-dimensional Zakharov–Kuznetsov (ZK) equation. Numerical experiments demonstrate a good performance and accuracy of the BP LDG method.
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This research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (LH2020A015).
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Appendix A: The proof of some conclusions in Sect. 4
Appendix A: The proof of some conclusions in Sect. 4
1.1 The proof of Lemma 4.3
In this appendix, we report the proof of Lemma 4.3.
Suppose \({U_{i,j}^\gamma } \ge 0\) on each cell \({I_{i,j}}\), it is obvious that \(\bar{u}_{i,j}^n + \frac{{3\varepsilon \Delta t}}{{\Delta {y_j}}}\sum _{\gamma = 1}^3 {U_{i,j}^\gamma } \ge 0\). Therefore, we directly estimate the case for \({U_{i,j}^\gamma } < 0\). If \({U_{i,j}^\gamma } < 0\) on each cell \({I_{i,j}}\), we obtain that \(\bar{u}_{i,j}^n + \frac{{3\varepsilon \Delta t}}{{\Delta {y_j}}}\sum _{\gamma = 1}^3 {U_{i,j}^\gamma } \ge 0\) is equivalent to
Now, we only need to estimate an upper bound of \(- \frac{1}{{\Delta {y_j}}}\sum _{\gamma = 1}^3 {U_{i,j}^\gamma } \).
First of all, we estimate the integral term on cells \(J_j\) in (1) as follows.
Notice that the Lagrange interpolation polynomial at three points \(x_i^\gamma \) is taken as \({\varphi ^\gamma }(x)\). Therefore, the penultimate step in (2) follows that \( - \frac{{4\sqrt{15} }}{{3\Delta {x_i}}} \le {\psi ^\gamma }\left( {x_i^l} \right) \le \frac{{4\sqrt{15} }}{{3\Delta {x_i}}}\). Through some simple calculations, we have
The estimate of the integral term on cells \(I_i\) in (1) is given by
Similar to (3.16), we can rewrite \({\tilde{u}_h}\left( {x_i^l,{y_{j + 1/2}}} \right) \) as
where \(z\left( {{\eta _0},\eta } \right) \) is given in (3.16) and \(u_0\) is defined as \({u_0}:S_i^x \times \left[ { - 1,1} \right] \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\).
Then, we estimate the term \(F_{i,j}^\gamma \) as follows.
Next, we proceed to estimate the rest of terms in (1).
which follows the upper bound of \(F_{i,j}^\gamma \) and
Finally, the result of estimating the rest terms is given by
where \(\bar{u}_{i,j}^n\) can be approximated as \(2\bar{u}_{\mathcal{L},j}^n\) by one-point Gaussian quadrature. According to (2), (3) and (4), we have
and thus can obtain the conclusion.
1.2 The proof of Lemma 4.4
In this appendix, we report the proof of Lemma 4.4.
1.3 The estimate of terms \(U_{i + 1,j}^\gamma \)
First of all, we consider the lower bound of \(F_{i + 1,j}^\gamma \) as follows.
Then, the estimate of the integral term in \(U_{i + 1,j}^\gamma \) is given by
Next, we proceed to estimate the rest terms in \(U_{i + 1,j}^\gamma \).
Finally, the result of estimating \(U_{i + 1,j}^\gamma \) is given by
where \(Z_1 = 3{\tilde{Z}_0} + {\tilde{Z}_2} + 3\left( {\frac{1}{{\Delta {y_j}}} + \frac{1}{{\Delta {y_{j + 1}}}}} \right) {\tilde{Z}_1}\). Obviously, \(U_{i + 1,j}^\gamma \ge 0\) is equivalent to \(Z_1 \ge 0\). We denote \({\Gamma _{i,j}} = \frac{{\Delta {y_j}\Delta {y_{j + 1}} + \Delta y_j^2}}{{\Delta {x_{i + 1}}\Delta {y_{j + 1}}}}\). Notice that \({\Gamma _{i,j}} = 2/\tau \) for uniform meshes. Thus, the inequality \(Z_1 \ge 0\) further yields
1.4 The estimate of terms \(U_{i,j-1}^\gamma \)
The result of estimating \(U_{i,j-1}^\gamma \) is given by
which further yields \({g_2}\left( {{\tau _{i,j}},{\alpha _{i,j - 1/2}}} \right) = \Delta {x_i}{Z_2} \ge 0\).
1.5 The estimate of terms \(U_{i+1,j-1}^\gamma \)
The result of estimating \(U_{i+1,j-1}^\gamma \) is given by
which further yields \({g_3}\left( {{\tau _{i + 1,j}},{\alpha _{i + 1,j - 1/2}}} \right) = \Delta {x_{i + 1}}{Z_3} \ge 0\).
1.6 The estimate of terms \(U_{i,j+1}^\gamma \)
The result of estimating \(U_{i,j+1}^\gamma \) is given by
which further yields \({g_4}\left( {{\tau _{i,j + 1}},{\alpha _{i,j + 1/2}}} \right) = \Delta {x_i}{Z_4} \ge 0\).
1.7 The estimate of terms \(U_{i+1,j+1}^\gamma \)
The result of estimating \(U_{i+1,j+1}^\gamma \) is given by
which further yields \({g_5}\left( {{\tau _{i + 1,j + 1}},{\alpha _{i + 1,j + 1/2}}} \right) = \Delta {x_{i + 1}}{Z_5} \ge 0\).
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Bi, H., Zhao, F. Bound-preserving schemes for \(P^2\) local discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of KdV-type equations. Comp. Appl. Math. 44, 46 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-024-03002-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-024-03002-z
- Korteweg–de Vries equations
- Local discontinuous Galerkin method
- Bound-preserving
- Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation
- Strong stability preserving Runge–Kutta method