The exploration of cheaper sources of lignocellulosic biomass as raw material in nanocellulose production is the need of the time. The present study investigate the potential of a novel, abundant, and environmentally under-utilized plant-Gliricidia sepium for the extraction of nanocelluloses. Both cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) and cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) were successfully isolated from G. sepium fibers (GS fibers). The synthesized nanocelluloses and the untreated raw fibers obtained were subjected to various characterization technologies, viz., field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared analysis (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and zeta potential analysis. CNCs and CNFs had an aspect ratio of 38.29 and 148.65, respectively. Thermal stability was higher for CNC with a major degradation peak at 335 ℃, whereas for CNF, it was 230 ℃, and for raw fibers, it was 62 ℃. The crystallinity index (CI) of the samples were found in the order of CNC (75%) > CNF (70.9%) > raw fibers (62.4%). Zeta potential measurements showed high negative value, − 51.0 mV for CNC and − 68.5 mV for CNF. High aspect ratio, crystallinity index, and zeta potential value along with better thermal stability traits of the nanocelluloses extracted from GS fibers make it a novel adaptable material for reinforcements in nanocomposite fabrication.
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The research work was funded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (File no: 09/499(0108)/2021-EMR-I).
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Febiya Anna Fedin: formal analysis and investigation, writing—original draft preparation, visualization, and data curation. Harsha Mohan: data curation, methodology, and resources. Sabu Thomas: supervision, writing—review and editing, and methodology. Jayachandran K.: supervision, funding acquisition, writing—review and editing, project administration, and conceptualization.
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Fedin, F.A., Mohan, H., Thomas, S. et al. Synthesis and characterization of nanocelluloses isolated through acidic hydrolysis and steam explosion of Gliricidia sepium plant fiber. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-024-05812-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-024-05812-x