Mobile cloud computing (MCC) allows smart mobile devices (SMD) to access the cloud resources in order to offload data from smartphones and to acquire computational services for application processing. A distinctive factor in accessing cloud resources is the communication link. However, the communication links between SMD and cloud resources are weak, which allows intruders to perform malicious activities by exploiting their vulnerabilities. This makes security a key challenge in the MCC environment. Several intrusion detection and response systems (IDRSs) are adapted to address the exploitation of vulnerabilities that affect smartphones, communication links between cloud resources and smartphones, as well as cloud resources. In this article, we discuss the cloud-based IDRS in the context of SMD and cloud resources in the MCC infrastructure. The stringent security requirements are provided as open issues along with possible solutions. The article aims at providing motivations for researchers, academicians, security administrators, and cloud service providers to discover mechanisms, frameworks, standards, and protocols to address the challenges faced by cloud-based IDRS for SMD.
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Inayat, Z., Gani, A., Anuar, N.B. et al. Cloud-Based Intrusion Detection and Response System: Open Research Issues, and Solutions. Arab J Sci Eng 42, 399–423 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-016-2400-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-016-2400-3