The double divergent nozzle is a type of altitude adaptive nozzle. The double divergent nozzle does not have any mechanical parts, leading to reduced nozzle weight and requires minimum modifications to the existing launch system. The planar double divergent nozzle is a type of double divergent nozzle, having a rectangular cross section. The present study involved the numerical analyses of a single divergent nozzle, and five double divergent nozzle geometries. The flow is simulated on five different double divergent sections having the same area ratio, but with different inflection angles/extension length. All geometries are studied with similar boundary conditions. Flow pattern, wall static pressure, side load, and specific impulse are studied for pressure ratios ranging from 1.5 to 8.5 with cold air as working fluid. The results obtained are compared with a single divergent nozzle having the same area ratio. It is inferred that the flow pattern, side load, and specific impulse of a double divergent nozzle have a strong dependence on the inflection angle.
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- A exit :
Area of cross section at exit (m2)
- A t :
AREA of cross section at throat (m2)
- A inf :
Area of cross section at inflection point (m2)
- A w :
Surface area of wall
- DBN:
Dual bell nozzle
- NPR:
Nozzle pressure ratio (P0/Pa)
- NPRwall static :
Wall static nozzle pressure ratio (Pw/Po)
- T a :
Ambient temperature (K)
- P a :
Ambient pressure (Pa)
- P w :
Wall pressure (Pa)
- SDN:
Single divergent nozzle
- DDN:
Double divergent nozzle
- RSS:
Restricted shock separation
- FSS:
Free shock separation
- L b :
Length of the base nozzle (mm)
- L e :
Length of extension nozzle (mm)
- L :
Total length of divergent part (mm)
- θ :
Inflection angle
- F l :
Force acting on lower wall (N)
- F u :
force acting on upper wall (N)
- F :
Side load (N)
- I sp :
Specific impulse
- V e,b :
Average velocity at base nozzle exit plane (m/s)
- P e,b :
Average pressure at base nozzle exit plane (Pa)
- V e,e :
Average velocity at extension nozzle exit plane (m/s)
- P e,e :
Average pressure at extension nozzle exit plane (Pa)
- P e,w :
Average base nozzle extension wall pressure (Pa)
- \(\dot{m}\) :
Mass flow rate (kg/s)
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George, J., Nair, P.P., Soman, S. et al. Visualization of flow through planar double divergent nozzles by computational method. J Vis 24, 711–732 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-020-00729-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-020-00729-9