Multiagent systems have become increasingly relevant in numerous fields due to their potential for cooperative control and distributed networks. Developing effective adaptive algorithms for these systems is crucial, as adaptive techniques can enhance the ability of multiple agents to collaboratively complete specific tasks. In this paper, we propose an event-triggered adaptive fixed-time containment algorithm for multiagent systems with input delay. Firstly, our methodology employs Fuzzy Logic Systems to approximate uncertain terms in system dynamics and addresses the algebraic loop problem inherent in non-strict feedback functions. Additionally, an integral term is introduced to mitigate the adverse effects of time delay on system performance. Under the fixed-time stability framework, the proposed algorithm achieves containment within an exact time constant, independent of initial conditions. Furthermore, a dynamic event-triggered mechanism is incorporated to optimize the number of triggers, thereby conserving communication resources. As a result, the designed control algorithm guarantees that the closed-loop systems signals meet the criteria for semi-global practical fixed-time stability, allowing the outputs of followers to converge to the convex hull of leaders within a finite time. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm are demonstrated through simulations involving underwater vehicle systems.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62276214.
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Conceptualization: Guijiang Liu; investigation: Guijiang Liu; methodology: Guijiang Liu; writing—original draft preparation: Guijiang Liu; software: Guijiang Liu; validation: Xin Wang; supervision: Xin Wang; writing—review and editing: Guijiang Liu, Xin Wang, Weiwei Guang, and Hongyu Chen.
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Liu, G., Wang, X., Guang, W. et al. A Fixed-Time Control Algorithm for Multiagent Systems with Input Delay via Event-Triggered Strategy. Cogn Comput 17, 11 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-024-10366-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-024-10366-1