The exponential growth of technology has made images and videos popular digital objects. The increase in the number of visual imagery, crimes such as Identity theft, privacy invasion, fake news, etc. has also increased. The paper proposes a simple, easy-to-train, fully Convolutional Neural network, named MiniNet to detect forged images with high accuracy. The model is evaluated on existing image forgery datasets which consist of Authentic and tampered images. The proposed model achieved an accuracy of more than \(95\%\) for the 140 K Real and Fake Faces and \(93\%\) for CASIA datasets. Multiple Ablation studies are conducted on various state-of-the-art (SOTA) CNN models to check their performance on the given dataset. The objective is to assess the ability of CNN in detecting Image tampering. The experiments are done based on different aspects such as self-attention, positional encoding, and depth of the model. The minimal architecture used for image forgery detection is presented along with the performance achieved on different well-known datasets.
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Tyagi, S., Yadav, D. MiniNet: a concise CNN for image forgery detection. Evolving Systems 14, 545–556 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12530-022-09446-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12530-022-09446-0